Contact your local authority to find out about events in your area.
BBC: Children in the back of a car
You want your local authority to help with home insulation, and invest in local green energy which will protect you from perennial price hikes.
BBC: Time to leave the comfort zone
Further you may be faced with a pile of paper that will land on your mat, from the local authority in advance of a telephone adjudication with a solicitor (always the best choice rather than simply having the thing dealt with by exchange of correspondence, though you have the choice).
BBC: Parking - Your Thoughts
But there are some big issues like transport, that do cross local authority boundaries, and the people in your film there represent ten or eleven local authorities in the Greater Manchester area and that obviously poses some quite big questions of co-ordination.
BBC: Politics Show, Sunday 23 October 2005
If you are ill and samples have to be taken as to what has made you ill, then that is going to be taken out of your hands because the prosecution may come from the Food Standards Agency - it may come from the local authority.
BBC: Former Health Minister Edwina Currie quizzed