You understand that you have to repeat all your personal details once again.
The BBC will only ever use your personal details for the purposes of administering this competition, and will not publish them or provide them to anyone without your permission.
Student Finance England or the Student Loans Company will never ask you to verify your personal or bank details by email.
And it means that your personal and financial details will be collected and stored in a database that will be a magnet for criminals and hackers from all over the world.
Because of many incidents like this, the upshot for us legitimate consumers is that the finance manager at your car dealership may seem to take a sudden interest in the details of your personal background.
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For instance, that link in an e-mail from a trusted friend could really disguise a malicious file or "bot" intended to steal your passwords, log all your keystrokes or ultimately put your bank accounts, personal details and other private information in the hands of cyber criminals or foreign governments.
"You don't need to provide your full details, or personal information, or things like that, " he said in a telephone interview.
In other words, common sense privacy advice should be taken more seriously than ever: Shred documents that have personal details, keep your Social Security Number to yourself whenever possible, and avoid posting your info on the Web.
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Now the fire hose that is the social web sprays (often very) personal details about others across your screen, whether you like it or not.
You can add events to your personal schedule and set an alert to remind you, and get details about facilities using interactive, searchable maps.
PageOnce, available to US residents, remains the safest online service for bill-paying and managing personal accounts, partly because it does not store your checking account details, so no hacker can potentially come in and steal the information to drain your savings.
"If you are responsible for so many payment card details and log-in details then keeping that personal data secure has to be your priority, " said David Smith, deputy commissioner and director of data protection at the ICO.
With the possible exception of your bank account details, medical histories are the most sensitive - and potentially embarrassing - examples of personal data held by the authorities.