Oh, and by the way, your significant other will appreciate the extra space too.
We want men to know that it is okay to remain faithful to your significant other.
It depends on many factors, including your financial situation, your preferences and your relationship with your significant other.
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You can have your significant other or your daughter or son or even a complete stranger give you directions.
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"You can't always trust people at work, and it's nice not to have to complain to your significant other, " Tilstra says.
If you want your significant other (and not relatives) to make health decisions for you, make sure to update your medical power of attorney.
Maybe if you persuaded your significant other that you have some "Ariely Romantic Ratings Machine" installed in your house, your domestic life will improve.
WSJ: Dan Ariely: How to Prepare for a Job Interview | Ask Ariely
While you may be tired from lending your ear to clients, investors or employees, shutting out your significant other can result in resentment and bottled-up feelings.
They also make the perfect gift for your significant other.
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If your significant other or Valentine's date has food allergies, you can't just show up at a restaurant and expect special dietary needs to be accommodated, especially on a busy day.
There is no way to physically always be there for your children and always be at the office and always be present for your significant other and then take care of yourself.
If you ask your significant other how you look in those jeans you just bought, part of you wants an honest answer, but the other is hoping for a glowing review.
In this setup, if you want your share to pass to your partner you must say so explicitly in a will, or it could go to your parents, forcing your significant other to move.
There's the nice addition of some metrics between you and your phonebook, visualizing that precarious balance between text messages and calls with your significant other -- or a timegraph of when you call Mom.
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On the other hand, when times are stressful or conflicted, intuiting the unhappiness of your significant other can put a strain on things, particularly on your well being and possibly on your overall satisfaction with the relationship.
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One way to help your significant other fully grasp the exceptional amount of work and pressure that's often required of building a business is to introduce him or her to some of the people helping you with your venture, suggests Mark Suster, a former entrepreneur turned venture capitalist in Los Angeles.
It's fairly dim, enabling you to avoid disturbing fellow moviegoers or that patient significant other sharing your bed, but still bright enough for you to catch every detail.
Once someone has emerged from prison, everything is going to take more time than it did prior to the experience, especially finding that significant other to complete your life.
Putting a password on your phone is good for keeping a paranoid significant other from snooping.
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Let me highlight a couple other areas where your ideas and focus have had significant impact.
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Your symptoms must cause significant stress or difficulty in social, work or other settings.
Are there other movements to alleviate other causes of poverty, perhaps more significant causes in your view?
This is significant for the technology powerhouses already elbowing each other to dominate your living room, including Apple, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Google and Microsoft.
What other significant medical conditions have you been treated for, including in your childhood?