Yugoslav international defender Nisa Saveljic has been detained by Serbian police for allegedly avoiding military service.
Mr Djindjic's move came with a price-tag - the collapse of the Yugoslav government.
As Yugoslav news reports play up reports of civilian deaths, however, many Serbs don't believe it.
Predrag Bulatovic, the pro-Yugoslav party leader, may find it hard to tether his armed hotheads.
Yugoslav Foreign Ministry spokesman Nebojsa Vujovic rejected suggestions that Yugoslav forces were involved.
Over the past decade all manner of ties have been restored with fellow ex-Yugoslav states.
The Kosovars are seeking to have visas refused to the Yugoslav team and its entourage.
"The Yugoslav authorities are maybe trying to spill over the conflict to Albania, " Milo said.
The immersion of the Yugoslav army in Kosovo will strain relations between Serbia and Montenegro.
By May 5th, the Pentagon was considering a reciprocal release of two Yugoslav prisoners of war.
They point out that none of the ex-Yugoslav states has had a penny written off.
In 1992, the Yugoslav parliament voted to oust Prime Minister Milan Panic from office.
Other monitors said the troops withdrew to the Yugoslav side of the border after 40 minutes.
But Mr Milosevic still has clout with the Yugoslav army, which is deployed throughout Montenegro.
So far, Macedonia has been careful to stay out of the wars of the Yugoslav succession.
The arrests come after the extradition to The Hague of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.
The Yugoslav government has all along taken significant steps toward cooperation with The Hague.
It is among the countries that have pressed the Yugoslav government the most to extradite Milosevic.
Clinton said Tuesday that Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic made "the right decision" in releasing the three servicemen.
Giuseppe Marani, said NATO pilots encountered only light resistance from Yugoslav air defenses and suffered no losses.
CNN: NATO pounds Serb political party as leaders gather for summit
Yugoslav Foreign Ministry spokesman Nebojsa Vujovic said army troops and police would start pulling out on Thursday.
The West has repeatedly accused Yugoslav security forces of war crimes against ethnic Albanian civilians in Kosovo.
Washington has said it wants to see progress towards the extradition of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.
NATO's 78-day bombing campaign began March 24 and was aimed at forcing Yugoslav troops out of Kosovo.
CNN: Officials: Peacekeepers killed while clearing NATO bombs from village
Strong export businesses made Slovenia so rich in the Yugoslav era that it didn't seem quite communist.
He took part in the war in eastern Bosnia as a commander of a Yugoslav army corps.
The Yugoslav national bank in Belgrade has hit back by blocking all payments between the two republics.
Bankers rejected out of hand a Yugoslav proposal that they should write off 80% of the debt.
In the Balkans, the EU offers the balm of membership to heal the trauma of the Yugoslav wars.
My most immediate concern is the situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, which is very serious.