For a more tranquil shopping experience, visit 44 Stanley ( www.44stanley.co.za), a collection of boutiques, design studios and cafes, hidden in the industrial suburb of Milpark on the western fringes of the old City Centre.
BBC: Transforming from Johannesburg to Jozi
And in case you're still wondering what za'atar is, the Middle Eastern spice is a blend of sumac, sesame and herbs that every line cook should now learn to make, according to the magazine.
CNN: And the world's greatest food city is ...
Each party in this community-organized Za Krizen ( following the cross ) procession is led by a cross-bearer who walks barefoot or in socks, never resting.
UNESCO: Culture
Brandon Bernardo of the vuvuzela.co.za website told Reuters news agency they could churn out at least 10, 000 instruments a day.
BBC: 10 things about the vuvuzela