For eight months, Cypriot politicians failed to recognize a central truth: that while imposing losses on depositors would cross a Rubicon, turning the euro zone into a transfer union would cross an even bigger one.
WSJ: Now We Are Seeing Politics in the Raw
Even if this was legally possible, which it isn't under current euro-zone rules, it was politically impossible: there is no appetite in some euro-zone countries, notably Germany, to create a transfer union, nor to bail out a country whose banking system is widely suspected to be a haven for money-laundering.
WSJ: Euro Zone Moving Into Twilight Zone
The senior administration official is correct, but the -- what has already happened and is occurring now is the transfer of command and control over the no-fly zone to NATO.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing
Robert Menendez, the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said options included "an internationally recognised no-fly zone, providing lethal assistance to vetted opposition forces, and sanctioning the transfer of arms to the regime".
BBC: US has 'some confidence' Syria used chemical weapons
Yet we don't need an extradition treaty with Iraq to transfer Daqduq, a Lebanese citizen captured by American forces in a war zone.
WSJ: David Rivkin and Charles Stimson: Obama and the Hezbollah Terrorist
Under what construct could six days, in terms of transfer from the U.S. lead to NATO command and control for the no-fly zone be a prolonged period of time, and two more days, or several more days, to resolve the underlying issues of an agreement that has already been reached on civilian protection, the civilian protection aspect?
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing