What do automated design and construction tools do?
Its automated design eliminates the need for manual labor to operate the walls and ensures that the acoustic rating of the wall is maintained as originally intended.
Synthesis tools for several cell level CMOS analog circuits implemented with the above approach have been integrated in FDAADS—FuDan Analog Circuit Automated Design System.
Automated design and construction tools should make development faster and easier, and help you maximize quality, robustness, reusability, and the value of both your code and your models.
Software architects and developers rely on automated design and construction tools to rapidly transform business requirements into tangible components that they can test, validate, and deploy.
However, using VHDL could design the digital password locks which consistent with all kinds of requirements and more rapid and flexible than other methods, to achieve highly automated design process.
This article describes the last set of artifacts that USBD uses to detail the design of the automated system and its user interfaces.
Book authors: One major theme of the book is the establishment and management of a service Factory to plan, define, design, build, test, and operate all services and automated business processes.
A new family of development processes known as agile techniques teach you to emphasize automated testing more and to lean less on formal design artifacts as the sole tool for improving quality.
Even better, with model-driven development tools, the business of targeting a design to fit a specific environment can become an automated step - almost a compilation.
This is why we use good design practices and automated feedback loops like unit or system tests; to keep things easy to change.
The high-level solution topology, produced by the design team to provide the solution for the automated assessment requirements, is shown in Figure 5.
由设计小组为给自动化评估要求提供解决方案而生成的高层解决方案拓朴如图 5 所示。
This effort can be significantly reduced by providing a standardized and automated documentation repository oriented around a business continuity design.
Automated lifecycle governance in the ESB offers synchronized service governance with the enterprise repository throughout the service lifecycle, from design through development and deployment.
Improved quality and design through refactoring; heavy, automated unit testing; and continuous integration.
He has also provided some previous videos on automated testing, no more bugs, or design.
In June 1986, Leroy Hood, then at Caltech, published his prototype design for an automated DNA sequencer.
1986年6月,加州理工学院的Leroy Hood公布了自动DNA测序器的一个设计模型。
In 1986, Leroy Hood published a prototype design for world's first automated DNA sequencer.
1986年,Leroy Hood公布了世界上第一个自动dna测序器的样本设计方案。
Martin Fowler : Before I really came across refactoring, particularly in conjunction with automated testing, I tended to look at design as something I have to get right at the beginning.
MartinFowler :在遇到重构之前,特别是在把重构与自动测试(automatedtesting)结合使用之前,我习惯于把设计看作是在开始阶段必须做好的一件事情。
Automated traceability, from requirements to design.
Rather than spending your time correcting routine faults and inconsistencies, you can concentrate on more complex and creative design decisions that are beyond the scope of an automated review.
IT and business leaders ideally work together to identify which part of the business design has to be automated and which part should be done manually.
His Slim Ride rail design consists of compact, stylish rail cabins with a lounge-like atmosphere and automated doors for up to 15 passengers each.
Over the years, the company is committed to the automated control system design and development.
The inclusion makes people who are at work on the measurement of instruments and meters, know and apply the GPIB technology correctly to design the Automated test system.
Minimum 10 years working experience with high speed automated equipment design, control systems and vision software.
The graduation of the design work to be achieved by the glazing process is automated.
This article provides a series of typical control functional modules, which can be easily used to analyze and design any complex automated process engineering.
This paper introduces the design of counting and timing device for automated beer packing with PTC8253-5. The hardware circuit and software are given.
本文介绍了用PTC8253 - 5实现啤酒自动包装计数定时的设计,给出的硬件电路和软件程序。
Composition and design of automated industrial batching system and the latest batching technologies are described. Also factors that influence batching accuracy are discussed.