"Mann likes to use available light and often works at night," Willox explains.
Sensitivity, or photo response, is the image tube's ability to detect available light.
Any photosynthetic life would be adapted to take advantage of the available light waves.
IS and VR are the keys to sharp shots at the exposure times typical of indoor and available light shooting.
This way of photographing was soon challenged by available light photographs, which had a remarkable naturalness.
As photographers we're always looking for perfect light. And yet, the quality of available light isn't always ideal.
Based on the model, calculation formula of available light-triggered current and turn-on condition in LTT arc obtained.
Tip: When photographing people indoors by available light, move lamps closer to them or vice versa for more flattering light.
A full southern exposure is one which receives all available light for most of the day. Avoid locations which are blocked by trees or buildings.
By bringing the shutter speed low enough that available light registers on the image, you can retain most of the mood of a setting by not over-powering it with flash.
We use variations of white for walls, which are tailored to suit each individual space, situation and available light, with mixed antique piece of Swedish, English, French and Flemish origin.
我们运用不同色调的白色修饰墙面以搭配不同的个体空间、场合和光氛。 同时在室内空间中,还配以来自瑞典、英国、法国以及弗兰德等地的古董饰品。
Generating enough light could be prohibitively expensive, unless cheap, renewable energy is available, and this appears to be rather a future aspiration than a likelihood for the near future.
Light boxes for that purpose are available without a doctor's prescription.
The light that provides love and security is available to you here and now.
I busied myself putting away food, inspecting the systems that would provide us with light and water and doing an inventory on the available technology.
Quality assured second-line anti-TB drugs are available at reduced prices for projects approved by the Green Light Committee.
I like the Canon 50mm 1.4 or 1.8 (I'm sure there is a comparable Nikon) a faster standard lens will allow you to take great food shots when you are indoors or when less light is available.
SEC_BEST — Use the highest DE-Light security level available, even if that means no security.
SEC _ BEST——使用可用的最高级的DE - Light安全级别,即使它意味着没有安全。
See Resources for the DE-Light Programming Guide, which contains details on the available security levels and how to secure communication.
请见参考资料中的DE - Light编程指南,其中包括可用的安全级别以及如何使信息传递能够安全的详细信息。
There are two different finding ICONS (illustrated in Figure 9) : the one with the light bulb indicates that a Quick fix is available, while the one without a light bulb requires a manual fix.
When creating a new message in Lite mode, a light version of the rich-text editor is available that has most of the same features as Full mode (see figure 11).
The family includes bold, heavy, italic, light and regular weights, all available for free use.
In this article I will cast some light on what information normal domain users can see in Active Directory and why this is available to users.
The light is connected to an X10 controller (several "X10 kits" are commercially available).
Available-light photography has always held the allure of intimacy. Other genres reach for grandeur and beauty or the brutal impact of graphic truth.
Actually, that's what we do in available-light photography: look for the interesting light, then figure out how to use it to make an interesting picture.
The first electroluminescent products are likely to be light bulbs, which will probably be available from around 2012, he says.
These were great thoughts, and he was sending them to people everywhere, available to read at the speed of light, and free as the air they breathed.
I think what they found here is a new modification of chlorophyll that shows the flexibility of photosynthetic organisms to use whatever light is available.
I think what they found here is a new modification of chlorophyll that shows the flexibility of photosynthetic organisms to use whatever light is available.