Soil available phosphorus, to a large degree, determines the content and distribution of soil glomalin.
The content of soil nutrients, especially available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is one of the important bases to instruct scientific fertilization.
TP, rapid available phosphorus, organic content and rapid available iron were gradually decreased in the top soil layer of wetland along the flow path.
In the rich sparingly soluble phosphorus soil. Phosphorus bacteria fertilizer could increase the content of soil available phosphate.
The phosphorus nutrition of plants of eucalyptus is affected by the content of available phosphorus in soil and by the interaction of various elements of soil nutritious system.
The biggest influence to soil organic carbon density was organic carbon content, the next was total nitrogen, and content of soil available phosphorus was also influenced soil organic carbon density.
The biggest influence to soil organic carbon density was organic carbon content, the next was total nitrogen, and content of soil available phosphorus was also influenced soil organic carbon density.