The world average value is 35%.
Second, an average value is used for the energies of the intermediate states.
This region is short of soil organic matter for the average value is less than 1%.
Although the calculation method of the average value is simple but its meaning is recondite.
Although the calculation meth od of the average value is simple but its meaning is recondite.
Every time the integration time elapses, the Average value is updated with the result of the last integration.
This figure is at most an approximate average value.
The key thing to remember about random variables is that actual observations are centered around an average, or mean value.
Microsoft, which is a component stock of the Dow Jones industrial average, has lost half its value since 2000.
This means that investors believe the average bank is worth no more than the value of its balance sheet.
The average value for each key dwell time for the entire buffer is computed and returned.
Singapore is also closer to fair value, according to The Economist's long-run average ratio of house prices to rents.
Currently, the average cost of sending money through official channels is over 10 percent of the value of the transaction. In some places, the cost rises to 25 to 30 percent.
目前,通过正式渠道汇款的平均费用为单笔交易额的10%,而在一些地方,这一比例升至25 - 30%。
But optimising value? At $450m, the estimated price tag is little more than Phibro's average annual net profit in recent years.
The expected overall value of the estimate (E) is the weighted average
The first point on the line is a value around 10%, which represents the overall average processor usage on the Rational Quality Manager server when 100 active users access the server.
行上的第一点是一个在10%左右的值,它代表了当有100个用户访问服务器时,Rational QualityManager服务器上总体的平均处理器使用情况。
The reason for the more gradual change in the SAI is that the value of STNis set to a value that is closer to the actual average time it takes the Domino server to complete a transaction.
The average listed rich-country bank in the top 150 has a market value of about $36 billion, against $24 billion for emerging-market firms and just $15 billion if China is excluded.
Carey says every college won't always be worth it but, he says "the long-term trends about the average value of a college degree are very strong." and he says a college degree is still in demand.
The industry has seen the value of its sales increase at an average rate of 25 percent since 2005, and it is now composed of 25, 000 companies employing 1.2 million people.
Each cell in the cube contains an average loan amount value that is aggregated according to the dimensions that intersect at the cell location.
The value of such forecasts is not to be judged by their average record over several years, but by whether they signal problems and opportunities in advance of turning points.
Governance effectiveness measures that capture at a business level how well the governed organization is delivering value to the broader enterprise, such as the average cost of a transaction.
The Dow is a relic of a market indicator; an average, not an index, weighted by price, not by market value.
The Later times value is an average for building three more reflection replacement classes (for other properties).
The default value is 3000, corresponding to an average response time of 30 milliseconds per transaction.
With the color tiles created, the first step in the program is to read these color tiles and develop an average color value for each tile.
Average hourly pay is falling in real terms. Meanwhile houses, most Americans' biggest asset by far, are tumbling in value at a pace that exceeds that seen in, yes, the Great Depression.
A more striking finding is that America's housing bust has taken prices back to their long-run average value against rents.
Then there is how to find the average value of some function.