Will any of these measures help to lift France's growth rate from its recent meagre average of 2% a year?
What emerges is an estimate of a critical threshold: on average, growth slowdowns occur when per-head GDP reaches around $16,740 at PPP. The average growth rate then drops from 5.6% a year to 2.1%.
NBTA and IHS Global Insight expect most sectors by next year to start rebuilding business travel spending levels, at an average growth rate of 4.2 percent over 2009.
It's expected that Burkina's comparatively strong rate of growth-running at more than 5% on average for the last decade-will decline to about 3.5% this year.
On average, the growth rate this year will be smaller but this should not lead to the wrongful conclusion regarding the strength of the recovery.
From Liberation to last year, the average annual rate of growth in our industry and agriculture was fairly high by world standards.
It is forecasted that the average growth rate of the consumption will be about 3% every year.
It is forecasted that the average growth rate of the consumption will be about 3% every year.