Differences: Dog-talk involved shorter sentences and more orders while baby-talk included more questions.
Pressured from my wife's disapproving looks and the blank stares I received from her family as I explained why his toes curled this way or that, I dropped the shop-talk in favor of baby-talk.
The baby squealed and made cooing noises, while Abigail talked her baby talk.
Talk to your baby, play games, and show her how much you enjoy her company.
The baby is just starting to talk.
Your baby will begin to vocalize long before she can talk.
They begin to be treated like children, patronized with baby talk or avoided.
Talk to your partner. Talk about how your daily lives and relationship may change — for better and for worse — once the baby is born.
When we say babies do this and that even "before they learn to talk," we're obviously not including baby talk and other language smarts.
Talk with children. Ask them questions. Answer theirs. Don't talk down to them with baby talk, but don't be too grownup either.
Both are frequent talk show guests and magazine cover models in issues with articles where they give baby tips and talk about their kids.
"The most simple way is to talk to your baby and around your baby a lot," says Aamodt.
She added, "Talk about (the new baby and what to expect). You're probably doing this already, but (in) the next few weeks, that's what you need to focus on."
Talk to the hand: Alex Horne drives home his point to his 16-month-old son Tom using baby signing Photograph: Suki Dhanda for the observer.
Don't talk to your baby much during night feedings.
Once their honeymoon was over, baby talk started, adding urgency to the dialogue, although officials insist that talk of a pregnancy is premature.
Talk to your obstetrician or dentist to find out how to protect yourself and your baby.
Her one baby-voice served a multitude of imaginary personages, old and young, to talk withal.
We talk to an unborn baby, we massage their gestational cubby-house, and we even play music to them.
Usually in these situations, the proud parents parade before the cameras, appear on talk shows and land lucrative sponsorship deals with baby-products firms.
A baby can not walk or talk, it must be taken care of by its mother.
In it twin baby boys standing next to a refrigerator are speaking to each other in baby talk and seem to understand exactly what is being said - it's a mixture of adorable and incredible.
Oh, baby when you talk like that, you make a woman go mad. So be wise (si!) and keep on (si!), reading the signs of my body.
Don't be a baby! Go talk to your boss.
Dontbeababy !(不要老是发牢骚)。
Sue:Isn't he a lovely baby! Can he talk yet.
I remember visiting him before his first child could even speak and he would not do baby talk.
The next day, our talk turned from bachelors, baby bottles and Balenciaga blouses to books.
"I used to think I wouldn't be all that interested in the baby until she was two or so and could talk, " says Gates as he shows off the more intimate family quarters.
"I used to think I wouldn't be all that interested in the baby until she was two or so and could talk, " says Gates as he shows off the more intimate family quarters.