A-Content Producers - from back office to user experience.
This external network supports front and back office activities.
Emerging-market entrepreneurs want to these techniques beyond IT and the back office.
Managers there found a desk lamp in the back office and set it up to shine directly on their fruit bowl.
The supermarket company said that losses would mainly be in its back office and customer services department.
Later, India emerged as a champion exporter of services, ranging from computer software to back office work, call centres, and R&D.
Lotus Domino Designer a rapid Web site design and development tool to Web-enable back office data and streamline business processes.
LotusDominoDesigner快速网站设计和开发工具,通过Web支持后台办公(back office)数据,并简化业务过程。
Or the back office person who, much like those shoemakers in the fairy tale, now stitches your accounts in Bangalore while you sleep.
Their objective is to establish "one source of truth" in their back office, and consolidating back-end systems is a necessary first step.
They can pay for an extensive retail network, the latest technology for the back office and employ the most talented designers and managers.
And managers may now avoid promoting people from the back office to trading desks, for fear that they just know too much about the plumbing.
The HMIC report shows the police can and are rising to the challenge by reducing costs from the back office while protecting frontline services.
Integration between a enterprise CRM system, with well defined authentication and authorisation, and enterprise back office system often follow this model.
The next step is to buy software that provides a complete and integrated platform of global supply chain solutions, including back office processes, CRM and e-commerce.
CSC also took responsibility to manage training licenses and other assets related to the program, while IBM provided the assets themselves and the back office infrastructure.
For example, while setting up or tearing down a connection, SIP services can also implement call blocking or forwarding, as well as interface with gaming and back office systems.
Back office operations - operations that ultimately affect the activities of the front office (e.g., billing, maintenance, planning, marketing, advertising, finance, manufacturing, etc.)
The company pledged to cut 600 back-office positions, though some 150 workers in those roles would be reassigned to other jobs.
Mr. Kerviel is alleged to have outfoxed risk managers, but swaggering traders can find it all too easy to ignore the concerns of meek back-office types.
Kerviel 先生被指控蒙骗风险管理人员,但趾高气扬的交易员会发现,他们很容易对谦恭的后勤部门的担忧置之不理。
He plans to add 100 in sub-Saharan Africa to the existing 300, using plain buildings and a regional back-office system to keep a lid on costs.
Back-office applications (in financial, insurance or retail sectors).
Such applications have a complex series of transaction pathways that cross multiple middleware and run-time environments, including J2EE, legacy, and back-office systems.
Cleaning is an obvious example; many back-office jobs also fit the bill.
Back-office expenses such as technology and compliance do not rise one-for-one with assets under management.
Some may seek to share back-office costs with larger funds in return for a cut of their profits.
An example of this is where an event is generated by a banking back-office system registering that a customer has made a withdrawal from their local branch in person.
On the back end, you'll use a full-featured back-office application to manage your online business (including inventory, orders, shipping, and customers) in real-time.
Back-office operations are drifting off to places where costs are lower, such as Glasgow or Bangalore.
True, a bigger group has more money to spend on marketing and can achieve economies of scale in areas such as back-office technology and administration.
True, a bigger group has more money to spend on marketing and can achieve economies of scale in areas such as back-office technology and administration.