Bad command or file name! Go Stand in the corner.
The only solution is to remove the bad command binary and copy the new binary.
When crossing the street, 'a bad command would be,' be careful. 'a good command would be' hold my hand, ' 'he says.
Furthermore, the language for one tool couldn't be carried over to the next, so each tool ended up with a different bad command language.
To see the value of debugging using the command line, let's start with the really, really bad PHP file shown below.
The f switch tells the command to automatically fix errors and the r switch locates bad sectors and recovers readable data.
It's a bad sign when a coach refuses to explain something, USES technical knowledge to "beat down" an alternative idea, or tries to lead by "command."
No question migrating birds are answering a command of nature, but now the bad news: There is growing evidence that the wiring is off; the system is breaking down.
Managing multiple configurations just for the sake of having different command-line arguments is a bad idea in most situations.
This is not necessarily a bad thing, as “fresh” product can command a higher margin than old product, and can be more competitive in the battle for consumer dollars.
Even if Balak gave me his palace filled with silver and gold, I could not do anything of my own accord, good or bad, to go beyond the command of the Lord -and I must say only what the Lord says'?
This is not necessarily a bad thing, as "fresh" product can command a higher margin than old product, and can be more competitive in the battle for consumer dollars.
This defect seriously affects the tuning of temperature controller and causes bad temperature control results when the load change command varies very often.
Bad ro missing command interpreter.
Bad ro missing command interpreter.