The numerical experiment results show that the more personality and robustness can be provided, and the load balance of system can be improved.
Load balance strategies is used to improve the utilization of each node in the system, but it will lead to more system overhead if we pursue absolute balance of system load.
Earth's climate system is constantly trying to strike a balance between the cooling and warming effects of clouds.
The system operator has three main functions : transfer (inter-regional and international transit), process control and balance of the electric power system.
In individuals with addiction, this balance is tipped in thedirection of the impulsive system, and a person's reason andfuture outlook are severely weakened.
Depending on your requirements, you have to balance the benefit of faster audit log queries with a potential penalty in overall system performance.
The interesting thing is that the system that allowed me to optimize my effectiveness at work also created a tremendous amount of balance in all other areas of my life.
It is important, as problems are being addressed, to keep a balance and not to undermine some of the key elements of a functioning market system.
When each industry's system detects workload demands exceeding the threshold level, the system quickly creates additional instances of resources to balance workload demands dynamically.
In response, the system quickly created additional instances of resources to balance workload demands dynamically.
The system acknowledges that each video has been scanned by adding it to the list of outstanding videos for the customer. The system displays the current outstanding balance.
SR3: The system shall withdraw a given amount of money from the account, but only if the resulting balance is not negative.
It is an undeniable fact that animals play a vital role in maintaining the subtle balance of the earth's ecological system.
The banking system was strong; so was the balance of payments (official reserves covered about eight months '-worth of imports).
You must also tune the Multi-Processing Module you're using to balance the system resources used with the availability of idle workers for incoming requests.
World in the Balance: The Historic Quest for a Universal System of Measurement. By Robert Crease.
They make it a "pull" system, creating a balance between sustaining "continuous flow" (eliminating the waste of waiting) and "minizing WIP" (eliminating the waste of overproduction).
通过维持“连续流通(continuousflow)”(消除等待带来的浪费)和“最小化在制品(minizing WIP)”(消除生产过剩带来的浪费)之间的平衡,它们共同形成了“拉动式”系统。
Without an overall, integrated global view of the process that includes real time asset location, it is difficult to manage, balance, and optimize the flow through the entire system.
We hold that the IMF should mobilise resources through the quota-based system as well as voluntary contributions, striking a balance between the rights and obligations of the contributing countries.
Using microwave-heated ceramic chips instead of standard gas flame or electric coil, the system heats pans with near-perfect balance and lets you control the heat level with incredible precision.
The balance sheet expansion of the banking system is to support the corporate sector's balance sheet expansion.
By contrast, rules are only executed when the conditions for that rule are exactly matched as a result of other system processing (for example, applying payment against an outstanding balance).
Frequently a use case changes the state of a system (i.e. the account balance is now lower) rather than generating a physical product.
Frequently a use case changes the state of a system (i.e. the account balance is now lower) rather than generating a physical product.