Basic data models constructed within this repository then work through XML design rules to emerge as coherent document standards.
The Ares I-X is expected to make an unmanned, two-minute flight at the end of the month to check out basic design concepts and gather engineering data.
We've learned to design software to separate process sequencing logic, policy, basic computation, human interface, and data management.
Of course you need the basic it skills of data design and architecture, database administration, Structured Query Language (SQL) scripting, data repository mapping, and business domain knowledge.
当然,您需要数据设计和架构、数据库管理、结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language,SQL)、脚本、数据存储库映射和业务领域知识等基本IT技能。
This design basic function is realizes in the network the data transmission.
Keyou architects will analyze the customer's required project, and discuss about basic technical architecture and database design from the aspect of applying, data, security, and technology.
And then discusses the difficult problem in the design of software: the data structure of the tree after analyzing and designing the basic data demanded by the system.
The dynamic load on powerhouse when operating is the basic data of dynamic design and vibration analysis.
On the design of the instrument software, because the computer data process system of the first and second kinds of products run in the DOS environment, which is written by the language of the BASIC.
The new IDE improves basic development functionality, adds significant new data-centric development features, and streamlines the design-develop workflow.
Raw coal washability curves provide essential basic data for management and design of coal preparation plants.
Basic test data are thus provided for its design and correct usage.
This article introduces the basic structure of integrated product data sharing environment based on STEP standard, in many application systems such as ship design and Marine research.
This thesis constructs an IDS based on RBF neural network, which gives the basic thinking of design and the arithmetic, the method of collection and beforehand disposal way of the sample data.
CAPP is the key technology that converts the enterprise product design data to manufacture data, is one of basic technology of advance manufacturing system.
The anthropometry data are the basic data in the design of drivers' controlling space.
The basic principle, structure design and calculation of magnetic circuit for touchless magnetoelectric rotational velocity sensor are reported. The test data and testing result are also analyzed.
In the paper, a new melt crystallization technology was developed to purify octyl phenol, which can provide the basic data and theoretical instruction for industrialization and engineering design.
In this paper, the design idea and construction of a popular graphical user interface management system are introduced and the typical abstract data construction and basic functions described.
CAPP is a critical technology link converting enterprise product design data into product manufacturing data. It is one of the basic technology of the advanced manufacturing systems.
Methods With setting up primary database, to design and develop the materials and fund management software, and input basic data of various materials in hospital integrated in the primary database.
Realizes the vehicles classification weighing, the data acquisition complete, the report form automatic production, the pound list classification printing and so on the basic design goal.
The research results can give basic data for the interior ballistic design of the liquid propulsion system.
The property data of crude oil and its fraction is the basic data in design of petroleum refining technology. In the past these data were obtained by hand calculation or consulting tables and charts.
These results can provide basic data and analysis methods for neighborhood park design, and the post-occupancy evaluation methods can enrich the traditional soundscape research.
On the basis of test count, the complete C-R-S-N curve is worked out according to the principle of statistics. so as to provide basic data for gear design.
在试验数据的基础上,根据统计学原理,拟合出完整的C - R - S -N曲线,并获得各种可靠度下的弯曲疲劳曲线,从而为国产材料齿轮设计提供了必要的基础数据。
The design goal, type, data structure, basic working principle and mode as well as the related process flows of time gate and passing token are discussed.
Some basic concepts of E-R relation model and multi-dimension data model are introduced, and design of multi-dimension data model of demand management is described in detail.
The program can be used to provide the basic data for the development and design of the supercritical fluids process.
The basic data were furnished for the exploiting new synthesis method, engineering design and industrialized production on 1, 2-cyclohexanediol.
同时还测定了1,2 -环己二醇的熔点和熔化热,为该产品的新工艺开发、工程设计和工业化生产提供了基础数据。