In order to get some information, Mr. Smith turned on the battery powered radio.
Wang Chuanfu soon saw that battery powered cars might be the future.
The Chevrolet Volt is leading the field in electric battery powered cars.
A battery powered tag, for example, might be attached to the item or person being tracked.
The idea is to build enterprise servers out of commodity components from the battery powered mobile space.
The free version comes with 4 profiles (Battery powered, low battery, A/C powered, USB powered), while the 99 cent pro version allows you to build you own.
Maybe, you need more warmth than the fabric provides. If that’s the case, then you probably want to take a look at these battery powered Hand Warming Gloves that will keep your hands warm for 8 hours.
At Munich's Technical University (TUM), which the Roding's designers attended, there is even more buzz about the Tesla, a battery-powered car from California.
在慕尼黑工业大学(TUM), Roding的设计者们参加了这个活动,关于来自加利福尼亚的电池驱动的特斯拉汽车更是议论纷纷。
A battery-powered world comes with its own risks, too.
One is a two-wheeled robot that can be moved forward by a user standing at a distance, who wears a battery-powered headset that transmits signals wirelessly.
He says people need emergency supplies, including medicine and bandages, a flashlight and battery-powered radio, water, food and other essentials.
But BATMAN does come equipped with a bat hook: a grappling hook that special operators can throw onto power lines in order to charge up their battery-powered communications equipment.
At the turn of the century battery-powered vehicles were a common sight on city streets, because they were quiet and did not emit any noxious fumes.
A glimpse of the next challenger came from BYD, a Chinese firm which showed off a battery-powered car and promised to unveil its much-delayed American sales network soon.
Onboard battery-powered computer controls allow the kites to land themselves during extreme weather conditions, or if the tether is severed, and multiple motors provide a backup if one motor fails.
Better Place is setting up shop here just as the embattled Detroit auto makers are betting their futures on hybrid and battery-powered vehicles, which will arrive as soon as next year.
The Detroit Three car makers and their rivals unveiled fleet after fleet of gas-electric hybrids or battery-powered cars.
A common RTLS implementation USES battery-powered tags with an onboard radio transmitter, along with a matrix of location sensors that are deployed throughout the area being monitored.
That said, solar technology isn't positioned to run the planet anytime soon, and battery-powered jet airplanes fly only in the realm of fantasy.
If you do manage to leave your cell phone, camera, or other battery-powered gear out in the rain - or worse, drop them in a toilet - the prognosis is usually pretty grim.
The battery-powered device uses cutting edge bionic technology to adapt to a person's stride, speed and the type of ground and can help prevent stumbles.
What's interesting though is that the savings are calculated based on the actions measured by small battery-powered, wireless sensors.
To detect engrams, Hubbard adopted a battery-powered galvanometer with a needle dial wired to two empty tin cans.
Hindustan Unilever spent four years developing its battery-powered portable water-purification system called Pureit.
联合利华旗下的印度子公司Hindustan Unilever花了4年时间开发出电池驱动的便携式净水器“Pureit”。
It is one thing to make a battery-powered car; quite another to make one sufficiently cheap and powerful for people to buy it.
Tesla Motors, a small Silicon Valley company, has come up with a way to extend the range of a battery-powered car.
Tesla Motors, a small Silicon Valley company, has come up with a way to extend the range of a battery-powered car.