Whereas the region's native evergreen pines shade the snow and absorb radiation, birches would shed their leaves in winter, thus enabling radiation to be reflected by the snow.
There may be points in your presentation that you want your audience to really absorb and in order to make important points stand out you may consider adding silence right after these.
Ideally, there would be opportunities to move to cities in other countries, too; the larger the region in which people can travel, the easier it is to absorb migrants from struggling areas.
Quantum theory dictates that a very tiny thing can absorb energy only in discrete amounts, can never sit perfectly still, and can literally be in two places at once.
The trees would be coated with synthetic materials that absorb CO2, which would then be removed and stored underground in depleted oil and natural gas reservoirs.
These wonders can be observed only from space, because ozone and water in the Earth’s atmosphere absorb light at those wavelengths.
In that case countries that rely on large current account surpluses to absorb their excess capacity would be forced into reducing their surpluses and reducing their capacity.
These compounds, which are all similar in chemical structure, have promising characteristics, but the human body does not easily absorb them, and they can be toxic at very high doses.
Big multinationals that do business in the country such as GM, GE and Ford will be better positioned to absorb the new tax than smaller foreign entrepreneurs, experts have said.
However, these new market niches may be too small to absorb the amount of capital investors would like to place in them.
Both carbon dioxide and methane absorb energy from sunlight and both leave a unique signature that can be measured to detect changes in intensity.
Falling in love comes at the cost of losing close friends, because romantic partners absorb time that would otherwise be invested in Platonic relationships, researchers say.
That buffer should be more than enough to absorb the impact of harvest failure in Russia, which accounts for only 8% of the world's wheat crop.
Jose Mourinho has had to absorb some painful blows in the past seven days, although the one that floors him could be the softest of all.
For instance the spire of the tower during such winds can be deflected by one meter but special mechanisms to absorb the vibrations that keep the tower in position.
Don't be too quick to react. You have to absorb the moment, take it in, and then respond. That's one of the keys to success.
Analysts say French Banks would be able to absorb the impact of bond restructuring and suffer only a small decline in the capital ratios used to measure their financial strength.
Release: The body should be instackedposition when the skis make contact with the face of themogul so that tensioncan be released in the legs allowing theknees to absorb the mogul.
Falling in love comes at the cost of losing close friends, because romantic partners absorb time that would otherwise be invested in Platonic relationships, researchers say.
To put it into practice well, to absorb the education in environment into the subject teaching concerned will be respected as a feasible and effective teaching concept.
Design stress limits, helmet will burst, impact site will be incomplete, to absorb much of the brunt force in generally significant should replace the helmet after the impact event.
I HAs be granted a leave of to absorb the advanced or in.
But it will be different if someone pushes down on your shoulders. In this situation you do not push back up - you just absorb the push effortlessly into your posture.
But it will be different if someone pushes down on your shoulders. In this situation you do not push back up - you just absorb the push effortlessly into your posture.