After all, he should be doing the same for you.
They are going to be doing remarkable things in the years to come to make this country better for us all.
Beyond creating jobs for those who built and maintain it, the Internet functions as a powerful platform on which all sorts of new businesses-and ways of doing business-can be rolled out.
Remember that my main reasons for doing this are that 1 I don't want all my data in one corporation and 2 I don't want everything I do to be pervaded by advertising.
For Brittany Shoot, 27, an under-employed freelance writer based in Copenhagen, Denmark, it's all the work she could be doing or should be seeking.
All you're doing is promising the compiler that the argument passed to the function will be at least that large; some machines might use this for loop unrolling.
If sanctions were used only when their consequences were certain, then they would never be used at all; and uncertainty is no excuse for doing nothing, because that could be just as dangerous.
It had all the essentials (and no unnecessary extras) for doing the job, and could be slipped into a briefcase, handbag or raincoat pocket and hardly noticed.
With the advent of cloud computing, business firms will no longer need too many workers and resources for doing all the IT related tasks, but now they will be using cloud computing services.
All around the world, "crazy busy" is a code phrase for doing what it takes to be successful.
But the reality of it all is that fear is only inhibiting when we allow it to control us to the extent that we end up settling for the things we don't really want to be doing.
And no, before you ask, I won’t be doing a similar list for science fiction works (all ten slots would be given to ‘The Iron Dream’, by Norman Spinrad).
Although doing this can be a very useful method for simple applications, the application needs to do all five things mentioned above.
Every day for decades, engineer Phil Pressel would come home from work and be unable to tell his wife what he'd been doing all day.
Slow down. You are not responsible for doing it all yourself right now. And many of the things you think need to be done, don't.
Be suspicious when you're on a big project doing fine, and all of a sudden you're off the project for no reason.
You all have so much love in your hearts. We are Shifang natives so we should be doing more for our community.
It can be summed up by "doing for others what you would have done for yourself" and seeing that all souls are One.
Doing a PhD should be fun and rewarding, because you can spend all your working time discovering things and pursuing ideas — and getting paid for it, without any administrative responsibilities.
Before you ask for that promotion, be sure that you're doing all the right things to help ensure that the answer will be positive.
Studying dance, carving pumpkins for Halloween, and doing improv shouldn't all be thought of in the past tense.
Finally, someone is doing the right thing. We should all be held accountable for our actions. The American People need to know who is costing them their hard earned money.
There is the understanding that we are all doing our job to be able to learn whatever has to be learnt in order for us to be able to go home.
Standard IP protections clauses should be included in all contractual documentation for doing business with suppliers and distributors.
'What are you doing all this for? "I said.' we were supposed to be talking about plants. '".
You always come home and there'd be messages to what he was doing and, you know, updating you on progress or whatever, and for him to do something like this and throw it all away was sad.
You seem to be doing all right. I got five years hard time for just doing my job.
You seem to be doing all right. I got five years hard time for just doing my job.