Eric, as elusive as ever, was nowhere to be found.
We must seize this moment. We must be the first generation to think both as nationals of our countries and as global citizens in an ever shrinking and more connected planet.
Last week, I promised my daughters that whatever they do in their working lives, nothing will ever be as bad as this.
They seem to have concluded, however, that they should be as reluctant as ever to give any ground to the Palestinians.
Four years on, the importance of finding and using language about the arts, and which belongs to the arts, is as vital as ever. What might it be?
The problem is especially acute in businesses like music, where money is tighter than ever and even the hits are not quite as solid as they used to be.
Fun Fact from Chef Tony: as far as can be determined, nobody has ever sustained a permanent injury from a smell.
Can cartoonist ever live as a real artist as they used to be?
Typically, all the above increase more and more rapidly as ever higher levels of availability are required a a "this should be expected, as no amount of money will ever guarantee 100% availability."
Some say no machine will ever do be complicated as human being, but it'll be able to perceive human feelings and resound to them as a machine can.
As for coal, it is fiendishly dirty: Britain will be breaking just about every green promise it has ever made if it is using anything like as much as it does today.
I must confess that I think her as delightful a character as ever appeared in print, and how I shall be able to tolerate those who do not like her at least, I do not know.
In other words, claims that hydrogen will be the automotive fuel of the future are as true today as they ever have been.
Google appears intent on offering ever more of the things that used to be sold as software-such as word processing or spreadsheets-as free online services.
Not that cooking dough on a stone is ever going to be as good as that baked in a stone oven, but we domestic cooks must do what we can.
The coming month promises, in every sense, to be as hot as ever.
It is unlikely that Britain's energy situation will ever be as dire as South Africa's, but that this should even need saying shows how disastrous things are.
But it is doubtful that the economics of online or mobile video will ever be as attractive as the economics of traditional television.
Despite the ease of communication and the fall in the cost of transporting goods, for most people geography seems to be as important as ever.
For it seems as certain as anything can be that no signal-still less any material object-can ever travel faster than light.
Indeed, no one seems to know how they can be restarted. The mood among moderates on both sides is as glum as ever.
And there she'll see Linton, and all will be told as soon as ever we return; and I shall have the blame.
And as two companies that were once as close as could be, it's also fascinating to watch the tension and awkwardness as they now compete in an ever-growing number of areas.
Perhaps, too, Banks could be regulated at the EU level and be prevented from ever becoming as dependent on their sovereigns as they are today.
Elizabeth soon heard from her friend; and their correspondence was as regular and frequent as it had ever been; that it should be equally unreserved was impossible.
I thought that I was as attractive as I'd ever be.
As a result, energy in the form of motivation begins to be generated at ever-increasing levels, as that starting date approaches.
You need not be afraid of harming him: though I hate him as much as ever, he did me a good turn a short time since, that will make my conscience tender of breaking his neck.
The story is of LeBron James' failure. He was as bad as I could imagine he'd ever be.
The story is of LeBron James' failure. He was as bad as I could imagine he'd ever be.