I would so much rather make frugal choices and be able to give freely than have a house full of all the coolest and newest "stuff."
But perhaps more important will be the emergence of an older, more mature, less frenetic, less consumerist, and more frugal society.
So far, so clever, but unlike the core concept of the car – the frugal hybrid drive – it is unlikely that the cost will ever be recouped by the owner.
Up until now I've tried to be frugal in my use of XML-related terms.
Everyone could do with a little extra money in their pocket and anyone -regardless of how many followers they have -can put Twitter to work to cut costs, be more frugal, and save money.
Everyone could do with a little extra money in their pocket and anyone - regardless of how many followers they have - can put Twitter to work to cut costs, be more frugal, and save money.
It is said that Wang Yung-ching may be the world's most frugal of the billionaire!
He believed that through education people could be new citizens of the Republic, who advocated freedom, science and pragmatism, and who were self-disciplined, loyal, just, diligent, frugal and so on.
Frugal formula can be used to calculate the pipe pressure loses of extractive steams, and to diagnose problems of extractive steam pipes.
Since ancient times, the Chinese people have highly valued labor, treasured the fruits of labor, and considered it a virtue to be diligent and frugal.
Since ancient times, the Chinese people have highly valued labor, treasured the fruits of labor, and considered it a virtue to be diligent and frugal.