To prove that factor a has no effect whatever on outcome b may be important in the sense that it refutes a hypothesis.
This, in turn, has a major effect on their diet, leading scientists to speculate that the ability to learn population-specific hunting methods could be driving the animals' genetic development.
The study nevertheless shows that an energy sensor such as insulin can have a direct effect on reproduction and may give new insights into how infertility may be treated in the future, Lawson says.
The concept might not be new, but the proliferation of hip, new-school sketch soirees in recent years is having an effect on not only the art scene but nightlife, too.
The next step would be what's called screening, in which scientists would laboriously test one molecule after another to see which hadany effect on ABCC6.
King said that the sharp fall in the value of the pound, if it continues, will be "a concern" and will have an effect on inflation.
This limitation should be kept in mind with respect to any tunables or configurations that did not have the expected effect on performance.
In fact, updating that object will have no effect on the values that will ultimately be sent to the database.
Higher prices may cause a surge in headline inflation but their main effect will be to act as a tax on consumers.
All this happens in real time and the only effect on client applications is that some transactions might be rolled back while this is going on.
Among children born in 2000, however, parental wealth alone had no effect on the likelihood that a child would be diagnosed.
Although this was a case of conscious manipulation, it's easy to see how a similar effect could be generated accidentally, simply based on (for example) the order of questions in a survey.
In smaller heaps, when garbage must be collected very frequently, the pause times have more of an effect on application response times than they do in very large heaps, with infrequent collections.
This shift in the global balance of power is well documented. What has yet to be grasped is the effect on business and the way it is conducted.
Not only would a modest rise have "very little or no effect" on employment, the letter said, it would be an important tool in fighting poverty.
In effect, each state could be set to represent a single unit of work by an individual on the team.
In the short term, the effect on the Gulf states' appetite for greenbacks would not be dramatic, since the dollar would have a big weight in any basket.
"There will be a knock-on effect for car production in the UK, but we don't yet know what it is," he said.
Large buffer pools also have an effect on query optimization, since more of the work can be done in memory.
Yet decisions taken in Geneva do have an effect, both legal and humanitarian, on people in benighted places—and the world would be much happier if the effect was far greater.
But unless other central Banks (notably the Federal Reserve) join in, the effect on confidence will be limited.
Time the beam right and the star could be turned, in effect, into an FM transmitter-broadcasting to the universe on the underlying carrier-wave of the Cepheid's pulsation.
And the changes in ocean chemistry are the sort of thing that can be expected to have a direct effect on the geological record if carbon levels rise far enough.
The effect is beginning to be felt in Mexico too, especially in communities most dependent on remittances.
The structure would be modest in size, and the materials would have an outsize effect on how it looked.
The source added Alex appears to be having such a great effect on Cameron that she is "looking better than ever" and has an "in-love glow".
This is not that much, but I think it is enough to show that 99.9% of websites can be coded in GWT and hosted on GAE without thinking about the slashdot effect.
This is not that much, but I think it is enough to show that 99.9% of websites can be coded in GWT and hosted on GAE without thinking about the slashdot effect.