The movement was reported to be in full swing.
By now the value analysis study will be in full swing.
China and America have started a new cultural exchange program, but it won't be in full swing until next year.
Holiday parties will be in full swing, and your chart shows you will get more than your usual share of invitations.
Swimsuit season may now be in full swing for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, but that doesn't mean we're ready.
Normally at this time of year spring planting would be in full swing, but the drought has made farming impossible in parts of the province.
NASA say's the sun storm will be in full swing around 2012-2013, however the National Academy of Science says, "The solar storm could start any day now."
B: Yeah. We're setting up a new factory now and the work on it is in full swing. The project will be completed in three months.
However, the Ethnic Villages Tourism in full swing at the same time, has also encountered a number of practical issues should not be overlooked.
Small sea sky seemed to be to full to the certificate of identification that just got unusual, took the certificate of identification in hand in swing, and often hurtle everyone to smile.
Small sea sky seemed to be to full to the certificate of identification that just got unusual, took the certificate of identification in hand in swing, and often hurtle everyone to smile.