"You can be in the black with green ideas," he said in an interview shortly before the election.
"It's no disgrace to be colored," the black entertainer Bert Williams famously observed early in the century, "but it is awfully inconvenient."
In the United States they were considered to be Black, a social definition that was feasible because they were in the minority. In Brazil, it was not feasible.
"This swan is so white," he thought, "and I am so black. It must be the happiest bird in the world."
The black controller, black rechargeable batteries, black headset, and black Play &Charge kit will all be available in retail for the same price as the white gear.
The HD DVD drive will not be released in black.
She must still be in love with her black-haired boy; all that she's done since he left her is mooning about the house.
If I live in the Pacific Ocean, I can be gray with black spots.
In this square, you can see that if a cell is white, its left neighbor black, and its right neighbor white, then that cell will be black in the next step.
They demanded that the agreement be written in black and white.
Bar codes, familiar to us all as the black and white rectangular mark that enables products in a supermarket to be tracked, represent data using the spacing of parallel lines.
The flange also ensures that there will always be some water left in the tank (about half an inch) to prevent the black plastic from melting.
The black holes that could be created in a particle accelerator would be far smaller: tiny masses squeezed into incredibly tiny volumes.
Because of the awfully poor living conditions, black bears will be infected with various diseases, suffering in the piercing pain until death.
Geronimus thinks the situation may be even worse now, given that the rate of health deterioration in black women has increased in the past decade.
The study of M87?s supermassive black hole will be detailed in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
The result is that the development project will no longer be a black hole into which money is poured in the hope that some software will appear at some vaguely specified point in the future.
The insanity would not lie in the anger and darkness of the human mind—though it can be a black and raging place indeed.
Bats are the only mammal capable of flying and are so highly evolved to be capable of pinpointing a single insect flying in the pitch black and plucking it out of the air using echo location.
More significant cost reductions are to be achieved once the black mini-threads arrive in an industrial park outside the town of Wackersdorf in Bavaria.
The Posting proved to be the black mark in his career.
The results of this study imply that the feeble, but erratic behavior of the black hole in the Milky Way could potentially be typical for present-day supermassive black holes.
I may even be the only black face in the room, the only representative of the underclass.
If you are going to stay within the black box, you might be able to get by with this model; it is assumed that the output in a server widget component model is a black box.
They just could not ignore this huge pool of black talent. And it would be the same thing if this black talent were in physics, were in chemistry—you just could not ignore it.
They just could not ignore this huge pool of black talent. And it would be the same thing if this black talent were in physics, were in chemistry—you just could not ignore it.