His feet seem to be insensitive to pain.
If he continues to be insensitive to your requests, it's time to involve Human Resources.
Of course all of us will feel a degree of sympathy, and it can actually be insensitive to the bereaved.
Even with proper and efficient coordination, planning may still be insensitive to the wishes of consumers.
Federal Express opted out of the Super Bowl, for example, arguing that it would be insensitive to run a glittering AD.
And demand for the sort of exports Germany has done well with, mostly luxury cars and specialist capital goods, tends to be insensitive to shifts in the exchange rate.
Artificial Fish-Swarm Algorithm (AFSA) is a novel optimizing method. It has a strong robustness and good global astringency, and it is also proved to be insensitive to initial values.
Liquid crystal phased array (LCPA) is a low-cost and high efficient form of OPA technology. it has general-accepting advantages of low driving voltage and be insensitive to acceleration.
Sure, the analytical thinker can appear to be cold, insensitive, and logical, somewhat akin to the personality of Mr. Spock, but the world needs these attributes.
The uneventful dignity of his life makes for a biography which it would be odd to be thrilled by and which it would be insensitive not to be stirred by.
按字面意义译为“…对他的传记感到吃惊是很奇怪的,而不为之激动则是不敏感的”,意义不很明确,若按逆向翻译,则易于理解。 他的一生是平凡的,但却是很庄严的。
The only shame was to be insensitive.
We are certain that in many cases Hotels will be surprised to find that certain market segments will be price insensitive.
For example, the index extension for the inverted text index can be parameterized to also support case-sensitive and case-insensitive indexes.
Note that autocommit must be off to use a scroll-insensitive cursor.
However, not all queries need to be case-insensitive.
They can be long-winded, insensitive and impolite, often failing to look people in the eye.
Men also may clam up to protect their wives or significant others, worrying that their buddies might be insensitive, gossip or think less of their partners.
You’re going to see Michael be a lot more harsh and insensitive to Nikita, but you’re also going to see reality come back in that they still do care for each other.
Don’t be so embroiled in your own life and feelings that you become insensitive to those of your partner.
The relationship between total emissions and future warming can be inferred largely from quantities we can observe, and is remarkably insensitive to the timing of future emissions.
To enable queries that can return case-insensitive results, you must be using a language with a code page that includes ASCII characters and that is supported by Rational ClearQuest.
After you have built indexes to enable case-insensitive queries, you may later want to be able to remove individual indexes. You can drop an index by following these steps.
Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, but this largely because, unlike animals, we stand upright.
Question: What would be an insensitive thing to say to someone whose work has been subpar lately?
When a string is returned, it is expected to be the logical name of a page (as opposed to the page's fully qualified class name). As elsewhere, the name of the page is case insensitive.
You will become what your opponents want you to be when you are in despair, when you are insensitive, when you quit and don't care anymore.
The first liquid crystal layer and the second liquid crystal layer can be orthogonally aligned to achieve polarization insensitive operation of the auto-focus camera.
You might be surprised to learn that, in fact, your partner is hesitant about initiating physical contact because he or she is afraid of appearing overeager, and insensitive.
Care should be taken because the behaviour of the auditor could affect the attitude of the person being interviewed and an insensitive approach could lead to an unco-operative and defensive reaction.
Care should be taken because the behaviour of the auditor could affect the attitude of the person being interviewed and an insensitive approach could lead to an unco-operative and defensive reaction.