He was a natural tinkerer, fascinated by how machines worked and how they could be made to work better.
WASHINGTON — Federal auto safety regulators on Monday made it official: They are betting the nation's highways will be safer with more cars driven by machines and not people.
The scheme prove to be workable by the experiments and some specific Suggestions has been made for the design of low power consumption bottle blowing machines.
We accepts payment by major bank in Malaysia. Inter-bank funds transfer can be made via ATM machines or Internet Banking.
The examples listed in this paper can be used by the mills with Z303 tricot machines and similar foreign-made ones for reference in developing new products.
Men and machines made the wood into paper, which had to be packaged and carried by trucks and put into stores.
The packaging film can be made into packaging bags for conducting packaging by hands under aseptic condition, or made into coiled materials for conducting packaging on automatic packaging machines.
The packaging film can be made into packaging bags for conducting packaging by hands under aseptic condition, or made into coiled materials for conducting packaging on automatic packaging machines.