If the use level is within your entitlement level, then nothing needs to be done and you go on with operations, submitting the next use report the following quarter.
This can be a devil to debug because the authorization script may work one day and fail the next, and nothing in the script itself has changed.
Next year it's turning 245! People said that the church was going to be restored, but nothing points to that yet.
Wealthy investors from almost every industry, from finance to Hollywood, are terrified that the next money manager they choose might turn out to be nothing more than a malicious conman.
Do-it-yourself wills are becoming ever-more popular; and a wealth of information can also be downloaded for next to nothing from the internet.
Sandia's cells, on the other hand, would only need to be moved a fraction of a millimeter to track the sun efficiently while weighing next to nothing.
Press Next again as nothing has to be done.
At some juncture of every initiate's evolution, nothing in physicality will continue to be of importance, and they will move into the next dimension.
What!? I've heard nothing but good things about Rogues. It's definitely going to be my next character.
May have nothing to do, the other side is to be delivered next week, be sure to hurry, but I feel I have only such capability.
You should be able to purchase propylene glycol from your favorite health store or pharmacy for next to nothing, literally!
I don't know either, there is nothing to be shamed about, and next time when you talk to client service in HSBC, tell them they should be aware of their attitudes.
One day when the sky is falling, I'll be standing right next to you, Nothing will ever come between us, Cause I'll be standing right next to you.
One day when the sky is falling, I'll be standing right next to you, Nothing will ever come between us, Cause I'll be standing right next to you.