But if they are good slides, they will be of little use without you.
But what is in the human first aid kit could be of little use when your dog needs help.
Ballack will be of little use to Mourinho in the short term, with his ankle problem showing few signs of improvement.
MarketFirst would be of little use if it was as unreliable about the forecasts as the forecasts are about the weather.
The best presenters hardly use text at all in their slides, so a simple printout of their slides too will be of little use by themselves.
But they believed the magnetism to be of little use in judging longitude, leaving it a mystery as to how the turtles know their east from west.
Far from just a pretty picture, the model must be a complete representation of the data you are storing, or it will be of little use to anybody.
That was only a draft, which would be of little use once it was read and corrected. Alternatively I could go to campus to see whether it could be found or not.
While this can sound so simple as to be of little use, it really is extremely effective in clearing the mind, and is well worth studying closely and practicing every day.
Though "easy" may be welcome, unluckily it's of little use for any long time development of reading skills and the general language level.
Recycling's dirty little secret: Processing plants use up to 100, 000 gallons of water a day, mostly to wash crusty food and chemicals off containers before they can be ground up.
Some questions might be of utmost importance (" Have you ever murdered anyone? ") but of little use, in sorting people.
一些问题可能极其重要(“你是否曾谋杀别人? ”)但在分类筛选上没什么用。
Our little example will only be using a handful of ICONS, so we'll use a single image registry.
While I will be the first to admit that I use a handful of such applications in my own organization, it is critically important to do a little bit of research before adopting such an application.
A group of human children will use all kinds of words and gestures to form goals and coordinate activities, but young chimps seem to have little interest in what may be their companions' minds.
To sum up it has to be said that if it is possible to use a reflex camera - it is great, as they have large matrices with little rate of noises, removable optics and safe RAW format.
True, but even a little rejiggering must be viewed by developers as a worthwhile use of their time.
The use and development of livestock breeds and the conservation of valuable breeds that are of little current interest to livestock producers need to be upgraded.
Even coastal defences built to withstand the strongest tropical storms may be little use when struck by a wall of water up to 10m high, as hit some Asian countries on Sunday.
To make things a little more confusing, different vendors use different or similar terms to mean different things that affect licensing (the point of that sentence was to be confusing).
The control the Web took from the vertically integrated, top-down media world can, with a little rethinking of the nature and the use of the Internet, be taken back.
By applying these techniques, you may be able to squeeze that little extra performance out of your overloaded servers or gain some insight into the memory use within your own applications.
Expect that the amount of time you've got is going to be the amount of time you've got. And then use a little less.
I kept thinking these thoughts until I realized that I could use the experience to my advantage, because I wanted to be a teacher some day (little did I know I would be a teacher of work happiness).
Not many tutorials on the use of OpenSSL exist either, so getting it to work in applications can be a little troublesome for beginners.
You can use the same thickness for heavier use, but should be cut a little smaller, so as not to bear the weight of the crack.
That's still a bit much for newspaper use, of course, so it looks like they want us to hold out until 2007 on this one, when they suppose it'll be a little more affordable in mass market pricing.
For example, it is of little use to a Web Service router servlet to be handed a DOM if all it does is translate it to an application-specific object model and then simply discard it.
For example, it is of little use to a Web Service router servlet to be handed a DOM if all it does is translate it to an application-specific object model and then simply discard it.