That's about how high an object would have to be orbiting straight up from the equator to constantly remain directly above the exact same spot on the rotating planet Earth.
The manifest.rb file sets up library load paths and allows you to define which files are to be included based on whether the program is run straight from the file system or from a JAR file.
rb文件设置库装载路径,并允许根据程序是直接从文件系统运行还是从一个JAR 文件运行来定义包括哪些文件。
The line should be continuously straight all around the head, behind the ears, at the hairline and on sideburns.
If it is to travel in a straight line, the wheels on both sides have to be of exactly equal size.
Lines that appear straight in the Parthenon are found on measurement to be curved.
There are many variations on this, but these are styles where the hair may be standing straight up, or going off in various directions.
But before the operation could be carried out, Downey and Fecteau were betrayed by their contacts on the ground and flew straight into an ambush.
I think this whole portion would be fine, so we could take this point as well as this point, because anywhere on this straight line, you will get the same value for Young's modulus.
For example, you can go on a straight line from the origin to that point. That would be slightly easier.
The reason MPs are likely to stay on the straight and narrow is the fact that their claims will henceforward be published online.
Film should be looked at straight on; it is not the art of scholars but of illiterates.
Standing: Stand up straight. You are presiding and the focus of attention is on you. Your posture should not be a distraction.
Only if the component vectors are on a straight line will the length of the vector for the sum be equal to the sum of the lengths of these components or to their difference.
Andy: the funny thing is on the outside, I was an honest man. Straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook.
Since this frame of reference-the earth –is rotating, motions that would be straight in a stationary frame of reference appear curved to the observer on earth.
On a high speed model, the rudder will be stabilising the boat, keeping it tracking straight. Some very high speed boats need two rudders to keep them running true.
If the above situation exists when working on a straight ladder, a safety harness must be worn and team leader and employee must agree on additional precautions (if any).
A, each floor window installation shall be horizontal, vertical pull line, the best oblique pulling diagonal, mainly is the opening window to do on the same level, straight, accurate.
Of flat glass products for the grinding. Glass straight double-edge of the Cumo, Jingmo Chamfer on both sides of the Cumo and one-time processing can be completed.
Thee straight leg-raising test can also be performed on the leg without symptoms.
She told us to go around the corner on the left and keep going straight for two blocks. The subway will be on our right.
Looking straight down at a house plant on the floor often makes it appear tall, and it really might not be.
Not very far. You go straight on, turn left at the traffic light, and then walk about 5 minutes, and you'll be there.
Not very far. You go straight on, turn left at the traffic light, and then walk about 5 minutes, and you'll be there.