Can France team be qualified in this year's World Cup?
Heat treatment operator shall be qualified in accordance with operator Qualification procedure.
Welding procedures and welders shall be qualified in accordance with the specified code or standard.
Products are delivered only after they have been verified to be qualified in all examinations as well as are confirmed by the manager of the Quality Control Department.
Students will be qualified in control and management of chemical production, research and development of chemical products and process, design and magnification of chemical devices.
Generally, in the purpose of ensuring the packed bags to be qualified in weight, a rechecking balance will be added on the bag packing production line to get rid of the unqualified bags.
Since students and parents expect a college degree to lead to a job, it is in the best interest of a school to turn out graduates who are as qualified as possible—or at least appear to be.
It's under 7 percent only because statistics don't count the people who aren't qualified to be in the work force.
Boyd qualified his opinion, noting that the evidence could be interpreted in other ways.
In another year, those old hands will be qualified teachers, trained on the job and in tutorials and summer schools.
Those that stay are well-qualified and highly employable, and will be snapped up by the private sector, often in better paid, non-science roles.
The most popular sport in Albania is football (soccer) and the most followed sports event is said to be the World Cup (although Albania has never qualified for the finals).
Yet if companies fail to get their accounts signed off by their auditors (or if they are qualified in any way) they may be in breach of their covenants.
Qualified pictures will be used in the opening or closing ceremonies of the
That which is not of the light is in extreme pain and will surface to be cleared and re-qualified back into pure Light and Divine Love.
I want the new element to be in the same namespace as the existing parent element, and in DOM this means I need to construct the qualified name of the element.
The equipment that you have to rely on in those events must be qualified for those conditions to operate and there's a very strict rule to show that the equipment is in fact qualified for service.
Senate Republicans have said that they would object, but it is their own credibility that would be at risk in opposing so qualified a candidate.
Feinsod also argues that the data in the competition reports will be skewed because it comes through one source only and may include some people who are less qualified for the job.
To be in a state of impurity simply means that one is not qualified to contact the sacred.
A message in the document binding style must simply be made up of well-formed, namespace-qualified XML.
In order to configure IBM NAS master KDC with LDAP as a back-end server, you need an LDAP server hostname (which must be fully qualified), along with the root DN and password.
In order to find qualified inherited operations, the target classifier's generalization hierarchy (based on generalization relationships) will be traversed.
If a reference to a table is not qualified in the DAD, it will be assumed to reside in the specified default SQL schema.
The UPDATE and DELETE statements are qualified with the original values of the data so that should the data have changed in the database in the meantime this will be detected.
Be a specialist in one area but make sure you are more widely qualified and trained than just for your specialisation.
The procedure shown in Listing 4 takes the necessary input parameters — the name and type of the file and the fully qualified name of the table into which the data from the file is to be loaded.
The procedure shown in Listing 4 takes the necessary input parameters — the name and type of the file and the fully qualified name of the table into which the data from the file is to be loaded.