Still, the scientific journal Nature does not believe that such designations have to be set in stone.
The last thing you need to know about planning is that it won't go perfectly and it shouldn't be set in stone.
Our concept of free will is intimately related to the idea that the past may be set in stone, but the future is up for grabs.
And, even if a corporation's budget is already set in stone for 2011, the list of vendors who get a piece of those dollars may not be.
I'm not set in stone so if anyone has any advice they'd like to share or other options I could look at, that'd be great.
"Yes, gentlemen," he said, "a stone shall be set up in their honour."
Be sure to establish loot rules, guild hierarchy, and the rest early on and make sure that the rules are set in stone.
Extension of winding stone steps set in the depths of the mountains. Strange pine and rock, can see anywhere. And will be show different peaks of them from different side.
Extension of winding stone steps set in the depths of the mountains. Strange pine and rock, can see anywhere. And will be show different peaks of them from different side.