External critics have frequently argued that this cannot be substantiated by firm evidence and say the world has already passed its peak in oil production.
It addresses the new regulations set out by the European food Safety Authority that any health claims made on a food label should be substantiated by scientific evidence.
By 1997, however, its claims couldn't be substantiated, and one of the company's geologists died under mysterious (and ambiguous) circumstances.
但结果连一勺的金子都没找到。到1997年,Bre - X没能兑现承诺,公司的一位地质学家神秘死亡(有争议)。
A practical example showed that the efficiency of pumps with low specific-speed could be improved by using the calculation method presented, so that the design theory of such pumps was substantiated.
A practical example showed that the efficiency of pumps with low specific-speed could be improved by using the calculation method presented, so that the design theory of such pumps was substantiated.