Couples may start to look like each other because in some ways they already are like each other.
I've chosen to include the above image because in some ways it embodies the beauty of just wandering around and searching for interesting photographic moments by yourself.
It's better in some ways, because it's close to home and circuses and all that.
In some ways, it was better that I wasn't an expert, because I would ask questions that helped the team to say, Why not?
In some ways, I think it's worse because it's so much more intrusive and all-pervasive.
Another cause for concern is that Russia's growth has in some ways come despite, rather than because of, Mr Putin's policies.
In some ways, that's a good thing, because you really can get excellent performance.
Not because it's new, but because it is in some ways newly important.
Figuring out new ways to produce revenue right now makes some sense, because the retail e-commerce space in China is in the middle of a price war that can't be good for anybody.
In some ways, such a framework was inevitable in Rails because the same metaprogramming facilities that enable scaffolding are available to all users of the Rails framework.
You get spoiled on a film set and in some ways it’s easier to be working long hours on a movie than taking care of a large family just because you do get very tired at the end of the day。
It would be some time before the cells could be used in patients, Wilmut said, because scientists have yet to find reliable ways of making different tissues from stem cells.
Our "static period" in the tent was quite surreal in some ways, partly because we were still not truly static.
In some ways, this could be a good thing, because some Western meddling was misguided and harmful and it would be better if other countries started taking more responsibility for their own affairs.
It is possible to live a comfortable rich-world sort of life in Egypt, and many people do; in some ways it is easier than in well-off countries because maids and cooks and drivers are cheap.
In some ways, that would be better, because she shared an office at the Film School with only one other colleague, an older, divorced woman whom she’d taken into her confidence.
In some ways I think that that's because the poem Lycidas seems in some ways to solve the problem of Milton's waiting, this problem that he has of needing to wait.
Nor is the general safety of nanoparticles fully understood, not least because they can react in novel ways. Some scientists think more research is needed and perhaps more regulation too.
That's why we need to be Agile here; because at some point in the future, we'll need to change, and to find new ways of differentiating ourselves.
CHRIS MARTIN: Well, the great majority do because there are a number of different ways I can show them. Some people are verbal and like things described in words.
In fact, alpha is, in some ways, a poor name for it, because it's actually being used in production in a number of companies.
Because all you are in some ways a bowling ball going down the lane and hope you get the gutter I don't have a clear path.
In some ways, these are actually better than the soft buttons located in iPhone apps, because they're always in the same place. It also saves some screen real estate.
In fact in some ways you are more important, because success for the Human Race depends on every soul reaching a state of perfection.
In fact in some ways you are more important, because success for the Human Race depends on every soul reaching a state of perfection.