A headache is important because it can be the first warning of a serious condition that could probably be controlled if discovered early.
If you remember the shape of Italy, it is because you have been told at some time that Italy is shaped like a boot.
If you can make 100 tons of the drug, but it costs $100,000 a gram that might not be a useful drug because nobody could afford to use it.
If there's downward pressure on costs, because of a need for investment in other areas, I would argue that this is a perfectly feasible solution.
Because company executives are afraid of the bad publicity that would result if the public found out that their computer had been misused.
He knew that if he picked up normal pebbles and threw them down again because they were cold, he might pick up the same pebbles hundreds of times.
Why? Because that block identifies a set of things that I'm going to do if the test is true.
Old people in the village say that if the boys think of their crocodile parents, they will be stronger and braver because the ceremony will cause great pain.
He might not have done this particularly well, because the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good ear and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there appealed to him.
It's because that is one aspect of travel that I love, just feeling the difference in a new place until it becomes commonplace, if I stay long enough for that to happen.
I like to tell that story because it sounds obvious that if you were a goldsmith hundreds of years of ago you would have probably become a banker -it would just be the natural thing to do.
Of course the price of gold never changed in the gold standard because that was the whole point of the gold standard that's if currency was convertible into gold.
Now that's important, though, because if there's a lot of fishing pressure, that population doesn't get replenished.
It is unlikely that these were the remains of a meal because the bones are not broken down in the way that would be expected if they were partly digested.
"Many scientists and models have suggested that if the water cycle is intensifying because of climate change, then we should be seeing increasing river flow."
So you can't do this, because you're going to lose track of the Numbers if you do that.
If you're told that you can't donate blood because of low hemoglobin, make an appointment with your doctor.
So one of the things that — if you're here to learn about the New Testament because it's scripture, the class may disappoint you, from that point of view.
I'll be happy if some of them do read what follows, because Lord knows that too many have forgotten or abandoned some vital principles.
Because of the technology, if you have an interesting candidate with an interesting message, that can go viral and be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Because, if you remember the results of that model, it was only 59-percent accurate, which wasn't acceptable at all (barely better than guessing).
这是因为分类模型得到的结果,只有59 %的准确率,而这完全不能接受(比猜想好不到哪去)。
There was not a high probability of success for the summit. I called it because I believed that the collapse of the peace process would be a near certainty if I didn’t.
All the more so because it seems to belie the conviction of every pushy parent that if a child puts one foot wrong academically they have blown it for life.
If that proves impossible because of British resistance, it should begin in the euro area.
The reported presence of Cesium 127 was disturbing, experts agreed, because it was evidence that the core had overheated, if only for a portion of time.
It's a difficult thing, of course, because people don't necessarily keep track of everything that they purchase on the Internet, especially if they're very active purchasers.
Maybe, maybe not, because if you look closely you will see terms that seem out of place for a variety of reasons.
Perhaps Dennis Waitley said it best, he said, "People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now."
Because most of us get the feeling that if you do startup and you don't move to the Silicon Valley, maybe you are not confident so how would you compare the two places?
He suggested that if a depressed person can't frown because of Botox treatment, then others won't frown back at them, thereby breaking the loop.