Afraid of being criticized by my parents, my brother strongly denied breaking the vase.
I was writer, printer and publisher, all in one; my brother, as advertiser, being my only colleague.
Then Zhang Fei said to Lady Sun, "Sister-in-law, my brother is the imperial uncle, being his wife is not insulting you."
While the passengers were having free refreshments, the staff showed no signs of being starved either, but nevertheless the greatest gain remained with my brother in the ruin he so valiantly faced.
I remember how a burlesque composed by my eldest brother was once being rehearsed in my cousin's big drawing room.
Being a girl, and a younger sister, made me strive that much harder because I wanted to prove to my brother that I could hang with him and his friends.
During that dinner, my brother texted me: "Your boy Liam Neeson is being interviewed at the Knicks game."
Being too tired, my brother went to sleep over his work.
Louise: My elder brother always dreams of being an entrepreneur, just like your father.
My brother is constantly picking on me. He's not mean. But he's always being a total pest.
"I'd kick my own brother if necessary... it's what being a professional footballer is all about." Steve McMahon.
My little brother was being scolded by my father when I got home.
In case of my not being there, ask my brother to help you.
More than that, I must give to every human being I come in contact with, from my wife to the bootblack who shines my shoes; from my brother to my sworn foe.
In case of my not being here, ask my brother to help you.
A few times my brother and I carried out quick repairs to keep the treehouse from being condemned as uninhabitable.
I remember being very upset at my brother and telling him, "you have the audacity to call me a coward when you won't even try."
Horrible images of ancient tortures flashed across my mind. I imagined my brother being electrocuted, his body jumping in the air from the shocks administered by strangers.
But I was probably being unfair: perhaps I wanted something or someone to blame for the state my brother was in.
When my brother was being punished by my dad, he mumbled his complaint.
I went out with my elder brother, but we got tired of being together all the time.
He took me and my brother and my mum with him all the time. We filmed together, caught crocodiles together and loved being in the bush together.
But of course, I understand that mom put the responsibility of educating us on my brother, he is just being a responsible brother.
But of course, I understand that mom put the responsibility of educating us on my brother, he is just being a responsible brother.