The favorable circumstances be able to be accelerated successfully only , Supply the beneficial element only , The key still is living self (Internal cause );
The product is a unique formula to the ancient Jurassic salt as raw materials, contains a variety of minerals and beneficial element, the use of advanced refining process.
Neil: Hmm. Maybe there is an element of that. Anyway, I like the idea that we join a craze because it's beneficial – or good – for us.
Calculating result shows that it is beneficial to realize low sidelobe to keep uniform element space in including method.
Fuzhou geothermal resources has a broad prospect of exploitation and utilization, which possess rich resources reserves, pure water, high temperature, beneficial minerals and minor element.
The invention has beneficial effect of providing the ideal pre-mixed feed containing the organic trace element selenium for the dairy cows.
At the same time it's proved that the "active element effect" has taken place in the Y bearing coating and it's beneficial to the improvement of the adhesion of the oxide coating.
This method could give us the results accurately and reliably. It provides a beneficial reference for the study of trace element and baby health.
The harmonious element in Chinese traditional culture is beneficial to the construction of harmonious city.
Through field test:with nitrogenous-potash fertilizer, element zinc transfer to corn seeds in filling period is beneficial to increase zinc volume in corn seeds.
Through field test:with nitrogenous-potash fertilizer, element zinc transfer to corn seeds in filling period is beneficial to increase zinc volume in corn seeds.