A housewife said, "we thought it was a quarrel between two lovers."
Brooklyn is a film about a young Irish girl who must choose between two lovers and two countries at the same time.
The marriage ring is a timeless object just like true love between two lovers. We can carry the ring around us at anytime.
"What I'm talking about is not the love between cousins, " he explained to her. "It is the kind of love that grows between two lovers. "
British researchers studied 88 volunteers aged between 18 and 47 who were self-confessed coffee lovers, downing at least two cups every day.
It's impossible to say exactly what portion of otaku are 2-d lovers, because the distinction between the two can be blurry.
One of my favorite scenes is a very intimate and romantic one between two young lovers played by me and Karen.
Collecting information through interviews, to determine when the lovers conflict caused by lie, in what would love relationship between the two has important implications.
The content of Romeo and Juliet may similarly be said to be the ruin of two lovers through the discord between their families:but something more is needed to make Shakespeare's immortal tragedy.
Any friendly aspect or unfriendly connection between these two is then said to reflect upon the relationship of the lovers.
Any friendly aspect or unfriendly connection between these two is then said to reflect upon the relationship of the lovers.