Life science and biotechnology will contribute more and more to agriculture in the upcoming bio - economy ages of 21st century.
The bio-based economy is a term which encapsulates our vision of a future society no longer wholly dependent on fossil fuels for energy and industrial raw materials.
The author argues that the essence of human resource management in the bio-economy is the management of knowledge workers.
The results showed that when the engine runs on the fuel with the bio-additive, the fuel economy was improved effectively, especially to the ethanol-gasoline.
Some experts have predicted that, following the"hunting economy", "agricultural economy", "industrial economy"and"network economy", the fifth economic form of humankind will be"bio-economy".
Biotechnology is one of the most important fields of technology innovation in the 21st century. The bio-economy on base of that will be the new form of economy, which has enormous potential.
Biotechnology is one of the most important fields of technology innovation in the 21st century. The bio-economy on base of that will be the new form of economy, which has enormous potential.