At some time, bleeding, paraphimosis, intradermal node, etc, were no occurred.
My boyfriend still reminds me of the time I wore a pair of sassy heels out to see his favorite band and made him leave before they even went onstage because my feet had turned into bleeding stumps.
At the same time, heat from radiofrequency energy closes small blood vessels and lessens the risk of bleeding.
That first time that she saw her brother bleeding has stuck with her. I think it will always be inside.
Schmidt was brought on to stop the bleeding, but it was too late; by the time he left in 2001, the company's revenues had fallen 50 percent off their peak.
Cow's milk can produce iron deficiency by providing little dietary iron itself, and at the same time producing iron loss by inducing gastrointestinal bleeding.
At the same time, doctors warn that acid in aspirin can cause bleeding in the stomach and intestines.
Warfarin and aspirin should not be taken at the same time because there is a high risk of bleeding.
Is there any risk associated with this activity assuming that my cuticle was bleeding at the time?
This leads to increased clotting time and bleeding.
To complete the record, one postwar matter should be mentioned: in September 1953, a hitherto undescribed consequence of dextran injections was reported, a prolongation of the bleeding time.
This device can be used as autologous blood transfusion device in an emergency, when having not enough time to purify bleeding.
Bleeding-edge media sharing network goes so far as to offer a real time view of activity only to paid members of its site!
超前的媒体分享网络Enjoysthin . gs甚至也对网站的付费会员提供一个实时更新的浏览体验。
I had not noticed it before and have no idea if it was bleeding at the time I was fingering her.
Keep in mind that andLinux is currently in beta, the release at the time of this writing being beta 1 release candidate 6, so this is pretty bleeding edge stuff.
The flight takes about ten minutes, during which time they concentrate on keeping the patient's heart beating, respirating him and staunching the bleeding using tourniquets.
Although the ordinary stream of people have quickly, reliably, the bleeding time not long merit, but the huge aching feeling makes the innumerable feminine heart to live dreads.
The results show that bleeding quality and consolidation strength are a function of mixing time and rotational ratio.
Background: Clopidogrel is an anti-platelet agent which causes an increase in bleeding time.
Bleeding time was tested by the cutting tail in mice.
Conclusion Acupuncture can increase complete abortion rate of medicine-induced abortion, with shorter bleeding time and less residual villus.
Conclusion: Administering Quyu Suogong Tang after abortion by drugs can shorten bleeding time and reduce bleeding volume.
The change in the bleeding time occurred within 3 to 9 hours after the dextran had been given.
Objective To observe the effects of extract of Epimedy by different processed methods on bleeding and coagulation time in mice.
Objective To study the relationship between rate of drug complete abortion, bleeding time and days of pregnancy.
Conclusion: Supplemented Shenghua Decoction could decrease the bleeding amount and shorten the bleeding time in drug abortion.
Conclusion: Supplemented Shenghua Decoction could decrease the bleeding amount and shorten the bleeding time in drug abortion.