China's statistics bureau released a statement with the housing data saying that "the curbing of speculative property demand must be a long-term policy".
Keeping a reasonable timber use and trying to save timber resource shall be a long term technological policy.
Therefore, the credit policy in pursuit of maximum on profit will be in consistent with the top objective of company, which is concluded as a long term credit policy.
Therefore, it should not only be studied as a policy for the promotion of employment, but should be comprehensive considered and in-depth analyzed in the long-term point of view.
The policy of anti-poverty should be based on a long term and ever developing project, and pay attention to prevent the occurrence of the poverty culture in particular.
反贫困政策应当立足长远 ,注重制定战略性的反贫困措施与方案 ,以防范“贫困文化”的产生。
How to effectively address the employment pressure has become such a huge long-term policy should be concerned about.
How to effectively address the employment pressure has become such a huge long-term policy should be concerned about.