On Thursday we usually arrange a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.
If there's any other whiteware that you need, like a dishwasher, for example. There are plenty of stores here that'll arrange delivery on the same day as purchase.
He had managed to arrange to stay on in Adelaide.
I think it'll depend on what type of work you do in the excavation, but I imagine we can arrange something.
If you are traveling on a temporary or exchange student visa, you may be able to arrange for health insurance through your employer or institution.
Various proposals were put forth to arrange the elements into groups based on similarities in chemical and physical properties.
With it, they can place text and images on their page, arrange them to their liking, and save their work.
Then drag some ICONS from the Start Menu on to your desktop and arrange them on the bookshelves and the table (here's mine).
As a group owner, you can also arrange the widgets on your group's overview page to prioritize specific functions.
In the past, I used to study until 11, 30 at weekends. But now I can arrange things' on my own, such as reading books, visiting museums, or taking computer lessons in my weekend days.
Arrange the deployed pieces on the staging system, as desired.
Once on the canvas, you can arrange the elements and edit their properties edited.
Arrange the sliced asparagus spears on a plate and pour over a little of the dressing, dot a few pieces of chilli on the plate and some mint leaves torn from the stalks.
Some directors take college courses to become morticians as well, Shatkin notes, but you can learn to arrange funerals on the job. $46,161 per year
IPhone and iPod touch users will also be happy to hear that iTunes now allows you to manage your apps directly in iTunes, making it far easier to arrange ICONS on the small screen than ever before.
iPhone和iPoda touch的用户现在会听到一个好消息,iTunes现在可以让用户直接在iTunes中管理自己的应用程序了,这比用户在手机小屏幕上排列图标比以前方便多了。
Portal frameworks can manage, organize, and arrange portlet content on portal pages.
Arrange the tomato slices on the waffle. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
You can arrange dimensions and measures on the dashboard however you like to understand various aspects of your business.
If you are not sure which doctor is best for your ailment, Li will even recommend one based on experience and can arrange all the paperwork for an extra fee.
如果你不确定找哪位医生看病最好,李启才还能凭经验帮你推荐,并安排好所有工作。 当然,这都是需要额外收费的。
A meeting with the development staff has confirmed that it's possible to arrange these applications and databases on other servers, but it will take some time.
Just arrange the plates on the table, and the people will come - albeit hesitantly, since no one wants to be the first to go for cake.
May: Daddy, you always arrange your schedule so tight on weekdays.
Just arrange the plates on the table, and the people will come -albeit hesitantly, since no one wants to be the first to go for cake.
Pour the batter into the greased 10 inch spring form, arrange the pineapple rings on the top.
But many theatres welcome individual volunteers, too, so if you don't want to cough up a membership fee for a short visit, contact the theatres to try to arrange ushering opportunities on your own.
Your boss asks if you could arrange a one-on-one meeting with him and the developer so that he can see the system for himself.
A meeting was held on 16th to arrange staffs to coordinate specific plans by the Dubai traffic police.
Work with them to arrange some means for touching base on a routine basis — say, through a once-a-week meeting or conference call.
Work with them to arrange some means for touching base on a routine basis — say, through a once-a-week meeting or conference call.