Before WCAG 2.0, the solutions varied, and there were no standard solutions for some common issues.
在WCAG 2.0之前,解决方案是各不相同的,并且一些常见问题都没有标准的解决方案。
As only minor changes to the standard are expected during the forthcoming review period, vendors can design and build workable, marketable solutions now.
Technology vendors say solutions exist, but Banks and supervisors have been slow to adopt a standard.
This means more companies are experimenting with solutions such as Google Apps and Zoho rather than using the standard Microsoft Office suite.
这意味着有更多的公司在尝试诸如GoogleApps和Zoho之类的解决方案,而不是使用标准的Microsoft Office套件。
There is a set of standard events, such as ObjectEvent and TransactionEvent, but solutions can define new event types with their own set of attributes.
The LDAP v3 industry standard is supported seamlessly, enabling on-demand identity infrastructure for leading-edge business solutions.
它无缝地支持LDAPv 3行业标准,能够为业务解决方案提供随需应变的身份基础结构。
Track-and-trace solutions require three high-level capabilities that are enabled by the standard stack, as shown in Figure 1.
This illustrates the principle that careful use of standard components, including VNC, socat, and so on, allows for standard solutions that apply in the situations that arise in the UCM LABS.
这展示了小心使用标准组件的原理,包括VNC、socat等,它们允许使用U CM实验室中所应用的标准解决方案。
CSS 3 provides many of those solutions, but they won't be implemented cross-browser until they become standard; that can be via the W3C, or a DE facto standard agreed by browser manufacturers.
Spring Integration works with standard technologies like EJB, RMI, and JMS, and enhances them by allowing you to model complex solutions in one place.
Have features that provide solutions to common web development problems (e.g. standard web page layouts, functions for dealing with web forms, and browser compatibility fixes).
Standard interventions of medication and surgery also include over the counter remedies for which there is a huge market. Fortunately, there are many effective alternative and traditional solutions.
所谓的胃灼热、胃酸逆流或是胃食道逆流是一种慢性的胃病,罹病的人不仅痛苦,治疗更是所费不赀,标准治疗程序 (包括非处方药)与手术是个商机庞大的市场;庆幸的是坊间还有很多简单有效的传统替代疗法,如苹果醋、肉桂及生姜等材料,对大多数的人来说都非常容易取得。
It is a standard server: solutions are deployed to it and then run.
ASIC. Standard signal processors and their relation to other solutions will also be discussed.
Don't fall into the mold of applying standard solutions for all problems.
They have a strong market position with leading German equipment OEMs and provide both standard and customized solutions to meet the connectivity requirements of a wide range of industrial customers.
Without a standard you can only use specific software and solutions to support your grid system.
What is the procedure for preparing standard solutions?
JAQUET solutions don't stop with standard product lines.
Optimized shunts for energy metering market, standard as well as customized solutions.
The solutions lie in the two improvements in both the content and the implementation environment of assets devaluation standard.
Our focus is to complete our safe automation range and dovetail this core competency intelligently with the expansion of solutions for standard automation.
However, SIS users are now looking for packaged solutions that may help them comply with the standard.
Besides having the significance in theory, they can also be the standard solutions for checking various numerical solutions and methods.
Introduces models, function sorts, standard solutions and standard techniques of substance-field analysis.
Voltage ranging provides standard solutions to special voltage requirements, such as global usage, voltage fluctuations, and specialty applications.
Voltage ranging provides standard solutions to special voltage requirements, such as global usage, voltage fluctuations, and specialty applications.