A2M1, for instance, means à demain, or "see you tomorrow". JTM is je t'aime (I love you).
比如,A2M1 意思是 à demain(明天见),JTM表示 jet'aime (我爱你)。
A2M1, for instance, means à demain, or “see you tomorrow”. JTM is je t'aime (I love you).
比如,A2M1 就是 à demain(明天见),JTM表示 jet'aime (我爱你)。
Most secondary-school pupils have their own mobile telephones, and they use an abbreviated phonetic language to communicate. A2M1, for instance, means à demain, or "see you tomorrow".
Most secondary-school pupils have their own mobile telephones, and they use an abbreviated phonetic language to communicate. A2M1, for instance, means à demain, or "see you tomorrow".