This story tells of two sporting heroes who made an impossible dream come true.
Launching a career as a novelist seems like an impossible dream to many - let alone doing so in a second or third language.
And that, in the author's view, is evidently America today: an impossible dream.
But it is worth remembering that just over a century ago, heavier-than-air flight seemed an impossible dream.
但是,上周当它咆哮着从60 000尺高空飞过时,在场的观众无不振撼,其飞行员马丁.威瑟斯意识到他和他的同事们取得了一个几乎不可能的梦想。
But when it howled over 60, 000 awestruck spectators last Sunday, its pilot Martin Withers realised that he and his colleagues had achieved an unlikely dream.
The end of duality is to be a wonderful occasion when all your dreams are fulfilled, and what you may have thought was impossible will come into your lives.
Every night he observes the plant's shadow on the wall and dreams of an impossible love.
Maybe it's a dream that simply will not let go of you, no matter how often you tell yourself not to hope for anything so big, so unlikely.
Tommy knew this scrawny kid could never be the cop of his dreams, but he dreams of a way to make the kid a cop.
The secret here is to dream the impossible but work on accomplishing these dreams one realistic goal after another.
Perhaps, if someday you suddenly saw a weird dream which you never thought would come true was suddenly realized, you would naturally have such a weird feeling.
Celebrating imperfection - now there's a radical idea. For those of us in thrall to the impossible dream of perfection, it may be the very medicine we need.
The average person would rather leave their dreams unfulfilled than risk everything in an attempt to achieve the seemingly impossible.
But that is often an unaffordable dream for young girls who live in foster care. Many were taken away from their families because of abuse, abandonment or neglect.
What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?
Once god came up two me & granted me a dream to be realize. I asked 4 world peace. That's impossible, he said.
Once god came up two me & granted me a dream to be realize. I asked 4 world peace. That's impossible, he said.