In Wales, shoppers will be charged 5p per bag from this October, and a consultation on charging for bags kicked off in Northern Ireland last week.
In order to achieve good sealing effect, reduce the aroma loss and improve moisture resistance, can be packaged in the first put a plastic bag in the back, in the sealed mouth.
To remind me of that, I carry a stuffed toy, a small spotted dog that five-year-old Amber Mary brought me, along with a plastic bag holding a few pennies, at the end of a talk I gave in Florida.
And I looked down and saw a little plastic baggie with a dead white mouse in it.
When I buy chicken and you ask me if I'd like it in a plastic bag, and I tell you no, please do not look at me as if I'm disgusting.
This is a critical point where mango producers need to wrap with plastic bag each mango to prevent scars, disease and pests.
So, my father took my hand, I go to pick another hand holding a branch, finally got the scoop up plastic bags.
Police and bomb disposal experts rushed to the scene found a red plastic bag under Beizuo. Experts and police carefully open the bag, there is also a box wrapped in several layers of newspaper.
Police and bomb disposal experts rushed to the scene found a red plastic bag under Beizuo. Experts and police carefully open the bag, there is also a box wrapped in several layers of newspaper.