The firm’s shares have nearly tripled from their low in March last year, and are now only one-third below their high of early 2007.
When I got into the room, I was totally shocked. No wonder it was called Tri-state, because the kids they are three times my size.
If the level is three times, of course, a one-third shrink from cost in bond prices - if it were to be recognized on the books - would wipe out net worth.
Whole Foods' operating margins are three times that of average grocery chains, with up to three times the sales per square foot.
Test result obtained with triple twisting method is the greatest, then is those obtained with double twisting method and one time back twisting and twisting method (GB 2543-81).
In 2015, IDC estimates that nearly 500 million smartphones will be sold in China, three times the number sold in the United States and about one third of global sales.
In 2015, IDC estimates that nearly 500 million smartphones will be sold in China, three times the number sold in the United States and about one third of global sales.