Unlike the flavor of a perfectly aged pinot, Reclari says, the factors at play aren't overly complicated.
1663年4月10日,赛缪尔•佩皮斯(Samuel Pepys),日记作家和伦敦社交场上的花花公子,记录道他品尝了“一种叫做奥布莱恩(HoBryan)的法国葡萄酒,有着我从未体验过的美妙绝伦的口味”。
On April 10th 1663, Samuel Pepys, diarist and man-about-London, noted that he had enjoyed “a sort of French wine called Ho Bryan that hath a good and most particular taste that I never met with”.
A much-despised, enormously popular drink called "grocers' claret" was born, with the result that, between 1859 and 1878, sales of French wines, largely from Bordeaux, rose sixfold to 36m bottles.
One thing that is not expensive in France however is the wine!
There’s no gift quite so great — or quite so terrible — to bring back from a trip as a bottle of malbec from Argentina or a sangiovese from Tuscany or Champagne from, er, Champagne.
Pinot Noir, the red grape of France's Burgundy region, is another fine variety of red wine.
Champagne is a sparkling white wine first produced in 1700 in Champagne, France.
A white or red wine made by those grapes chiefly grown in California and France and named pinot.
Beaujolais Nouveau is the first French wine to be released every vintage.
A brandy distilled from white wine and produced in the vicinity of Cognac.
该题说的是:法国人相信喝葡萄酒是放松的一种好办法。 答案可见最后一段。
The French people believe that drinking wine is a good way to relax.
摘要: 说到法国的香槟产区,也许首先映入你脑海的是那些色泽怡人,口感细腻的优质起泡葡萄酒。实际上,该产区还出产一种静止葡萄酒,叫做香槟山丘。
ABSTRACT: Coteaux Champenois is a wine AOC in Champagne Region in France. It covers the same area as sparkling Champagne production, but covers only still wines.
Small brother of the famous French "Sauterne", the sweetness of this white wine should not mask the complexity of its aftertaste.
A very day white Burgundy wine originally from east-central France and now refer to a blended white table wine of California.
A very day white Burgundy wine originally from east-central France and now refer to a blended white table wine of California.