• 本文报告一例单纯性x三体型发病机理遗传效应进行了分析

    In this paper, we report a case of X-trisomy, and analyse its mechanism and genetic effect.


  • 异常核型涉及三体型、单体型罗伯逊易位相互易位、不平衡重排等

    The abnormal is concerned in trisomy, monosomy, Robertsonian translocation, reciprocal translocation and rearrange.


  • 现在他们推出了体型略有不同芭比娃娃,高高瘦瘦的原版芭比娃娃继续销售

    Now they are introducing new Barbies with three slightly different body shapes, while the original, tall and thin Barbies will continue to be sold.


  • 现在他们推出了体型略微不同的新款芭比娃娃,同时继续售卖体型的旧款芭比娃娃。

    Now they are introducing new Barbies with three slightly different body shapes while the original, tall and thin Barbies will continue to be sold.


  • 证据表明卫氏并殖吸虫二倍虫株的蛋白质及其抗原性之间存在着高度的同源性。

    The evidence demonstrated that there was extensive homology of the proteins and antigens between diploid and triploid Paragonimus westermani.


  • 还说警方人员体型儿子倍之多

    She says the officers were three times the size of her son.


  • 通过结合个因素,拉波波特创造出一个数学公式这个公式可以任何体型运动员知道才能避免‘速度障碍’。

    By combining these factors, Rapoport created a mathematical model of how long and how fast runners of any size can go without hitting the wall.


  • 模型工作的准确度基于通用的于12种女性体型大小类似的模型,发现任何一个设计工作室里所有的衣服都是根据这个模型。

    The 3D model I'm working with right now is based on a generic size 12 female body shape, similar to what you'd find in any design studio.


  • 尺码标记体系女性分为体型平直型、沙漏形,“合身逻辑”的标签同时标注标准尺码体型

    Her labeling system divides women's bodies into three shapes, straight, hourglass or bottom-heavy, and a Fitlogic label carries both the standard size and the shape.


  • 北美体型最大鲶鱼,并且是北美淡水鱼排在其之前的分别是黄

    It is the largest catfish in North America and the third largest obligate freshwater fish in North America, behind the lake sturgeon and paddlefish.


  • 经过人近小时交谈周先生了解她们的年龄分别是23,2527岁,其中最年轻的是一位姓的小姐,她体型苗条,皮肤白皙,周先生这位年轻漂亮蔡小姐很是着迷。

    After an hour's chat with the trio, who claimed to be ages 23, 25 and 27, Mr. Zhou found himself drawn to the prettiest and youngest, Ms. Cai, who had angular features and an ivory complexion.


  • 分钟以后,为了穿过森林我们开上了条起伏不平的泥泞小道,却发现一只泥坑里打过滚的犀牛跑到了中间,身后还跟着只同样满身犀,体型差不多有母犀的分之二左右。

    Ten minutes later we were driving through forest along a raised dirt track when a rhino fresh from a wallow climbed onto the road, followed by an equally muddy juvenile two-thirds her size.


  • 体型工作上也没什么起色,并且已经订婚了。

    He had gained weight, worked in a dead-end job and had already been engaged three times.


  • 巴西卫生部于3月14公布项调查结果显示,巴西超过分之一女性体型,而巴西男性则存在饮酒过量的问题。

    Women in Brazil are not as slim as their internationally famed models may suggest and up to one-third of men drink too much, a survey showed on Wednesday.


  • 这种体型长达英寸(约合7厘米)的水蛭长巨大牙齿,科学家因此借用霸王龙的称呼为其命名。

    The up-to-three-inch-long (about seven-centimeter-long) leech has large teeth, like its dinosaur namesake Tyrannosaurus rex.


  • 美洲貘类当中体型最小

    Also known as mountain danta, this animal is the smallest of the three species of tapir that exist in America.


  • 设备体型操作简单随身携带没有任何操作难度安全隐蔽任何破绽

    The third; The equipment volume is small, simple operation, portable, without any difficult operation, safety without any flaw.


  • 剧本标注中写着——不同于接触里的外星拜访者,沃特诺特是一种自制力强,体型瘦高面色苍白物种。

    The script notes describe the Whatnots as being stoic creatures, with tall, thin builds and pale countenances, not unlike the alien visitors in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.


  • 体型那个小孩的

    His body is three times the size of the little child.


  • 个月体型明显改变体重只有49公斤

    Three months later, Jung's body had changed shape. She weighed 49 kilograms. Soon Jung has many fans.


  • 短尾矮袋鼠体型弗吉尼亚负鼠相差无几,负鼠崽的哺育期是短尾矮袋鼠幼崽的,且公负鼠母负鼠对只幼崽的照料更多。 负鼠的脑袋短尾矮袋鼠的

    Quokkas are about the same size as Virginia opossums, but baby quokkas nurse for three times as long, their parents invest more in each baby, and their brains are twice as big.


  • 如今分之二男人拥有明星一样体型超过一半的人则因想得到理想外形而感到很压力

    Two in three guys now want a shape like a star's. And more than half felt under pressure to attain the ideal male figure.


  • 个月多燕的体型明显改变体重只有49公斤

    Three months later, Jung's body had changed shape. She weighed 49 kilograms.


  • 一家安妮特的花园里,但是因为它们体型巨大所以它们每只都需要一个平时用来装德国牧羊犬那么。 。

    Thee family all live in her back garden but they are so big that they each require a dog crate that would normally house a pet as large as German shepherd.


  • 体型恐龙一样,恐龙家族的大个子

    This was another large dinosaur, the same size as triceratops.


  • 研究德尔遗传定理-维恩伯格平衡假设家庭基因型数据单体分型和体型频率估计问题

    The problems of haplotyping and haplotype frequency estimation on trio genotype data under the Mendelian law of inheritance and the assumption of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium are studied in this paper.


  • 针对工程永久船闸地下输水系统斜井具有数量多长度体型复杂边墙高度逐渐变化特点。

    In underground water conveyance system for Three Gorges Projects permanent lock, the inclined shafts are large in number, short in length, complex in structure, changeable in height and so on.


  • 研究将研究对象分为第一21体型男女组成,他们食用低蛋白、低热量、粗加工素食食物

    The study involved three groups of people. The first ate a low-protein, low-calorie, raw food vegetarian diet and was made up of 21 lean men and women.


  • 年前开始出现早期青春期迹象他们生育力冲击体型体重快速成长生活品质的影响感到忧心。

    Three years ago she began to show early signs of puberty, and they grew anxious about the impact of fertility and of her rapidly increasing size and weight on the quality of her life.


  • 年前开始出现早期青春期迹象他们生育力冲击体型体重快速成长生活品质的影响感到忧心。

    Three years ago she began to show early signs of puberty, and they grew anxious about the impact of fertility and of her rapidly increasing size and weight on the quality of her life.


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