• 一记“上帝之进球被载入史册

    It has gone down in history books as the "Hand of God" goal.


  • 越多接受你们周围奇迹上帝之看见

    The more you accept the wonders around you the hand of God will be seen.


  • 然而提到沾成孕的事情时,上帝之便看似是多余

    Still, when it comes to having babies without males, the hand of God now seems redundant.


  • 滴血但是复仇一事乃操上帝之

    My heart bleeds. But revenge is in the creator's hands.


  • 固定在后背上,就像上帝之而且平和。”还说

    You get picked up from behind, like the hand of God, and it's very calming," he said.


  • 牛顿认为,发现宇宙规律,即是在追寻上帝的痕迹。

    By discerning patterns in the universe, Newton believed, he was tracing the hand of God.


  • 马拉多纳曾经使用过上帝之”,至少没有为了进球挪动门柱。

    Maradona may have used the hand of God, but at least he didn't try to move the goalposts to improve his chances.


  • 第九城市1986年世界杯英格兰比赛“上帝考虑是否赔付。

    The9 Limited alleged possible intervention from "the Hand of God" concerning the payment, a sly reference to Maradona's controversial goal against England in the 1986 World Cup.


  • 赛后马拉多纳攻入那粒进球一半马拉多纳脑袋一半是上帝

    After the game, Maradona said the goal was scored "a little with the head of Maradona and a little with the hand of God."


  • 这位年轻的助产员进了全力——“上帝”——让第二婴儿成功诞生

    The young midwife did what she could - and "with God's hand" - the second baby was born successfully.


  • 见到每个出自上帝之手,他我们了解我们,我们亲近程度是超乎想像的。

    Each person you meet is an image-bearer, the crown of God's creation on earth, loved and known by the Maker more intimately than we could possibly imagine.


  • 不好的一面:令马拉多纳声名狼藉的“上帝”的进球使阿根廷战胜了英格兰进入了四分一决赛。

    The bad: Maradona's infamous' hand of god 'goal set Argentina on their way to quarter-final success over England...


  • 梅西通告无论是老马7射门,照样经典的“上帝之”,梅西堪称轻而易举。

    Let Messi to tell you, whether it is even the old horse had seven people shot, or the classic "hand of God" and Messi are rated as very much at home.


  • 马拉多纳用“上帝帮助阿根廷领先3分钟英格兰根本无法阻止他单骑走千里再进一球

    His 'Hand of God' goal put Argentina ahead, but England had no answer to Maradona's majestic solo goal three minutes later.


  • 24年前一天马拉多纳上帝帮助阿根廷淘汰英格兰争议中开始了属于自己传奇

    On this day 24 years ago, Diego Maradona with "hand of God" to help Argentina out of England, the controversy started his own legend.


  • 在这里我们工作只做了一半另一半出自上帝,造物主即兴创造使我们演出每场都新的

    Here, our works did half, another half, come from God's hand, the author of all being of impromptu creation, make us perform each one are all new.


  • 凭借“上帝之手”,阿根廷1986年世界杯以2比1了四分一决赛,并且最后一举捧得大力神杯”。

    Argentina went on to win the 1986 quarterfinal match 2-1 and then win the World Cup.


  • 英格兰这种侥幸不得不承受后来上帝之。 这种不公马拉多拉再次射中,而费尼克显然什么也没的情况下,尤其明显。

    England would pay for this luck in spades with the Hand of God incident – an unfair tariff, especially as Fenwick did absolutely nothing when Maradona went on to score his second goal.


  • 由于他们很难想象未经批准情况下也可获得份工作,他们无法相信上帝或者机缘他们推向不可预知的未来。

    The students are startled. They can hardly conceive of a career that was not preplanned. They can hardly imagine allowing the hand of God or chance to nudge them down some unforeseen trail.


  • 在音频大约35赫兹地方,我们感觉到背后上帝之,正我们向前,正推着我们自己加固我们思想身体灵魂

    And somewhere around 35hz we could feel the hand of God at our backs, pushing us forward, pushing us to push ourselves to strengthen our minds, our bodies, and our spirits.


  • 阿根廷足坛巨星迭戈马拉多纳最近终于承认1986年世界杯英格兰四分决赛确实是打入著名的号称上帝之手进球

    Diego Maradona acknowledged that he struck the ball with his hand in the famous "Hand of God" goal against England in the 1986 World Cup quarterfinals.


  • 世界迫于我们创造改变,人类智慧自持上帝之手延伸,自然图纸经由人的立法而呈现为新的图像,在新的图像中我们得到我们的审美满足

    The world is changing as man creates; man claims to have acquired God's wisdom, and transforms the blueprint of nature into new images, from which he gains endless aesthetic satisfaction.


  • 阿根廷足坛巨星迭戈·马拉多纳最近终于承认1986年世界杯英格兰四分一决赛中确实是打入了著名的号称“上帝之进球。

    Maradona owns up to 'Hand of God'Diego Maradona acknowledged that he struck the ball with his hand in the famous "Hand of God" goal against England in the 1986 World Cup quarterfinals.


  • 阿根廷足坛巨星迭戈·马拉多纳最近终于承认1986年世界杯英格兰四分一决赛中确实是打入了著名的号称“上帝之进球。

    Maradona owns up to 'Hand of God'Diego Maradona acknowledged that he struck the ball with his hand in the famous "Hand of God" goal against England in the 1986 World Cup quarterfinals.


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