• 都使相机成为一个介入旁观者。

    He trained his camera on the unsuspecting bystanders.


  • 过去除非受邀请介入,否则联合国参与各国内部事务

    In the past, the UN has stayed out of the internal affairs of countries unless invited in.


  • 尽力使自己介入这场没完没了的争论

    He tried to be not involving himself in this endless argument.


  • 因此他们希望美国有任何介入

    So they don't want any American involvement.


  • 控制反转模式(称作依赖性介入)基本概念创建对象但是描述创建它们方式

    The basic concept of the Inversion of Control pattern (also known as dependency injection) is that you do not create your objects but describe how they should be created.


  • 马上介入同样孩子一个机会自己办法帮助他们提高解决问题能力以及自立能力。

    Not jumping in too soon also gives our kids a chance to figure things out for themselves and it also helps develop their problem solving skills and increases their independence.


  • 如果防洪闸起效联合国教科文组织欧盟也许介入寻找拯救世界遗产的长期方案

    If the floodgates prove ineffective, though, Unesco and the European Union may eventually step in to help develop a long-term solution to help save this World Heritage Site.


  • 眼睛介入任何问题看上去感觉到紧张

    He won't look me in the eye, won't engage in any small talk, and looks more ill at ease than I feel.


  • “如果石油业介入参与的话,可能实现,”他说,“对于我们任何一方来说,微小挑战通过我们双方合作,整合双方团队优势、科学工程人才,相信这将带来最佳成功机会。”

    The challenges are not minor for any of us but we have the combined teams and scientific and engineering talents to give this the best chance of success.


  • 微软传统策略介入硬件生产,只专注软件制作例如Windows操作系统虽然只是个软件,但是它众多硬件厂商发放兼容认证。

    Microsoft's traditional approach is to stay out of hardware and concentrate on making software, such as Windows, which it licenses to as many hardware companies as possible.


  • 意味着负载均衡路由器不介入真正WebSocket流量由此减少了延迟

    This means that the load-balancing router stays out of the way of the actual WebSocket traffic, thus reducing latency.


  • 利伯索尔先生认为如果美国介入似乎愿意采取措施改善地区的风险。

    Mr. Lieberthal believes that if the United States does not get involved, it risks appearing unwilling to steps to improve the area.


  • 中心不介入有关民事权益裁定

    My center nonintervention concerns the ruling of civil rights and interests.


  • 所有一切都牺牲计算机性能可用性同时帮助其减少技术支持介入需要进行例行维修工程

    All of this without sacrificing computer performance or usability while helping to reduce technical support intervention and the need for routine maintenance.


  • 镇子上本地人有着自己的运行机制,喜被外人介入

    This is a town where the locals prefer to take care of things themselves, choosing not to involve outsiders.


  • 介入主观报道存在的,报道意志做出来东西而

    Not intervene in the subjective report does not exist, but a man's will do what.


  • 我方行政程序中的介入我方参与管理由行政专家组进行任何程序。

    We do not, and will not, participate in the administration or conduct of any proceeding before an Administrative Panel.


  • 同时随着文化转向一趋势文化研究越来越多介入各个领域翻译这个领域也例外。

    Meanwhile, with the trend of "cultural turn" in the academic world, culture studies have stepped into the field of translation and have explored a new world.


  • 结论心脏介入治疗术前剃毛增加穿刺感染机会,也影响穿刺口愈合的因素。

    Conclusions it did not increase puncture point infection rate without preoperative shaving in cardiac interventional therapy, and did not affect the cure of puncture point.


  • 这样环境中,建筑以一种谨慎地态度介入场地力求破坏原有意境同时,通过建筑实现人周边环境亲密的接触

    In such an environment, we think architecture must be a careful intervention to the site, to avoid ruining the original sense of place and meanwhile create the close contact with nature.


  • 医生介入几个月,甚至介入几年所以为什么批准这个最后慈悲介入呢?

    Doctors have intervened for months or even years, so why not sanction this final, merciful intervention?


  • 如果神经失能可能性很大家属往往主张进一步复苏治疗,手术介入或者取消危病护理

    If the probability of devastating neurological disability is high, family members may prefer no further resuscitation, no surgical interventions or the withdrawal of critical care.


  • 有形资产介入材料构成的上变化

    Physical properties involve no change in the composition of the material.


  • 提供一种能够管理对象产生障碍有关价值作为客观计算介入判断障碍管理装置

    A fault management apparatus that enables calculation of evaluation values relating to a fault occurring to a management target as objective values without involvement of human judgment is provided.


  • 提供一种能够管理对象产生障碍有关价值作为客观计算介入判断障碍管理装置

    A fault management apparatus that enables calculation of evaluation values relating to a fault occurring to a management target as objective values without involvement of human judgment is provided.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定